🦋 Love 🦋

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A big silent.

And a big hole in Hassan's chest was left.

As if he never ever knew the woman that stood in front of him. He get it he fucked, but did he really deserve to not know he was going to have a child ?

Did he really deserves to be left in the dark ? To be forgotten for almost one month straight ? He was being punished yet why wasn't she being punished for her wrongs ?

It was a bad thing to think about. Thinking it isn't fair for your wife to be left alone when she had her faults was bad but in his hurting heart it was an inevitable thought.

He wanted her to feel his pain.
Just a litle so she could understand how much it actually hurts.

Mohammed checked his brother first and when he saw his eyes focused on his wife he understood that he was hurting.
Of course he would be even he was suprised by the news.

He decided to at last clear the misunderstanding first.
" He did not throw her out, Hassan would never " he said to Faiz sighing.

Watching Faiz confused face Mohammed went on
" I think there was a misunderstanding..." Faiz turned his head towards his sister for confirmation but she didn't seem to want to bother with him, too focused on her husband that stood silent in front of her.

Her brother Faiz nudged her a litle
" Elmas ? "
Her eyes only now went down as she took a deep breath and spoke
" They never threw me out....I had a discussion with Hassan and I was suposed to only stay for a few days...and get back " she explained.

" What ? Why didn't you say anything then ?" he asked confused over the situation.

" If you had let me !!! Maybe I would have ! " she shouted at him for the first timeever, her eyes all watery.

" We had talked it out ! It's me ! I'm the problem here....i just, i don't know okay ! I didn't know how to go back and- " she went on confused herself about her reasons.

" Elmas calm down ! " Faiz took her by the shoulder to stop her from moving.

" This was not suposed to happen..." she looked up at Faiz and said making him even more confused.

" What is happening ? " Hussein asked confused but no one answered instead a litle voice spoke over them and for some reason it made everyone stop speaking.

Maybe because it had been quiet for a while now ?

" How long ? " Hassan asked making Elmas turn towards him after taking off her brother's hands from her shoulder.

When everyone stood confused over his questions and she still didn't answer he repeated his words.

" How long ? " his voice at the verge of breaking and his watering eyes suprised everyone.

" How long what ? " Hussein asked looking at his sister for answers since she seemed to be the only one knowing what he was asking.

" Two day after I left...." she answered trying no to cry at the betrayed face her husband was showing.

When the first tears left his eyes a piece of her heart fell as well.

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