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Despite her best efforts to stop her aero-rig, Primrose continued to fly through the air and away from danger. A million thoughts went through her head as she flew, most cursing out Peter for sending her on her crazy flight. She knew he sent her away for her safety and she somewhat understood that. She wished the thought of that before he did. After all, Peter was the one who Ego was after. But even though she understood his actions, that didn't stop Primrose from being angry with her brother. The two of them usually talk out their plans before Peter went rogue and did something insane. That was how they worked. She didn't like how he was changing things up on her.

It wasn't long before the Quill woman reached the surface of the planet and landed not-so-gracefully next to Drax. He just stared at her with confusion in his eyes, unsure as to why Primrose was with him and not down below with everyone else. However, before either of them could say a word to the other, Kraglin landed the quadrant right in front of them and opened the door. Primrose glanced back in the direction she came one last time, having a mental debate on whether she should get on the ship or go back for her brother. After a long moment, she found herself turning and following the Kylosian man toward the quadrant.

The two of them only made it a few yards when blue tentacles emerged from the ground and wrapped around the quadrant. Drax and Primrose instantly stopped in their tracks and watched as the tentacles began pulling the ship toward them. Neither of them hesitated to turn back around and sprint in the direction they came in an effort to avoid being crushed. When they reached the hole they just flew out of, Drax forced Primrose onto the ground before he used his body to shield her and Mantis from the ship. Just as they thought they were done for, the quadrant began moving in the opposite direction. That caused the duo to get to their feet and once again run in another direction to evade the ship's engine flames. As Primrose continued to sprint across the sandy surface of Ego's planet, she couldn't help but blame her brother for everything. Even though he wasn't there with her, what was happening was most likely his fault.

It wasn't even a second after that thought went through her head when a tentacle shot out from the ground in front of her. Primrose skidded to a halt in the dirt beneath her, almost falling as she did so. When she regained her bearings, the brunette woman stared at the glowing blue object with wide eyes. The Quill woman quickly snapped out of her daze as she pulled out her blaster and began firing at it without an ounce of hesitation. To her dismay, her attacks didn't do any damage. The tentacle shot toward her without so much as a warning and wrapped around her entire body. Panic coursed through her veins as she looked over at Drax for help, only to find him holding Mantis above his head as he slowly sank into the surface.

𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 ✼ 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 ²Where stories live. Discover now