Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next morning Wheaton and I headed to the slopes bright and early yet again. I was starting to get the hang of skiing, but I still couldn't really do the blue square. I kept falling, and I was worried that I would get seriously hurt. Wheaton would zoom down the hill ahead of me and leave me struggling to keep my skis underneath me. Then he would wait at the bottom and berate me for taking too long. It was deeply frustrating, and by the middle of the day I had to exert huge effort not to make a biting remark back to him.

Thankfully we took a break for lunch, which we got at a restaurant inside a nearby lodge. It was pretty good food, if not horribly overpriced. I stood up to use the bathroom, but I wasn't looking and bumped right into someone.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I looked up at who I had hit and then my heart dropped into my toes. It was Poppy. Shit.

"Oh, you're that girl from yesterday," she said while I broke out in a cold sweat. I was insanely aware of Wheaton sitting down right next to us as he took in the conversation. I was in so much fucking trouble unless I could turn this around.

"Sorry I don't remember you," I said, moving past her towards the bathroom.

"You don't? It was just last night. I mistook you for that missing girl, remember?" she said, innocent to the fact that she had just fucked me over. I swear I could feel the tension radiating off of Wheaton.

"Oh yeah, right. Well, I gotta go," I squeaked as I left her behind. I sat on the toilet seat clenching my hands so hard my nails bit into my palms. What the fuck was I going to do now? Wheaton knew that I had lied about last night. If I went back, I was sure to be punished. But I couldn't stay in this toilet forever. It was with stiff, robotic movements that I returned to our booth. Wheaton smiled at me, but I saw one of his eyes twitch with hidden fury.

"Welcome back," he said cheerily. I tried to swallow through the lump in my throat. "Let's head back to the cabin after lunch. It seems we have some things to discuss."
"Look... I-" I muttered as Wheaton lifted his hand, cutting me off.

"We'll talk back at the cabin," he hissed, showing a little of his rage. I was so fucking screwed. I started to eat as slowly as possible, trying to delay the inevitable. But Wheaton caught on to that quickly and rushed us out. I could feel his anger simmering in the air in the car as we drove back to the cabin. As he shut and locked the front door behind us I started to quake with fear.

"W-Wheaton, I'm sorry-" I started to plead.

"Shut up!" he snapped. "I don't want to hear your worthless fucking apology. Tell me right now, who the hell was that girl?" He stormed up to me and grabbed my shoulders in a vice like grip.

"Her name is Poppy. She's a girl I went to highschool with," I whimpered. "She recognized me, but I convinced her that I wasn't Reyna! I swear she totally bought it!" Wheaton shook me violently.

"Yeah, you're real convincing. You had me fooled last night as you lied outta your ass! I can't believe you would tell me such a bold-faced lie so unashamedly. What the hell is wrong with you?!" he yelled as tears started to stream down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I was worried-" I cried, but he forcibly shoved me down on the carpet and kicked me hard in the guts, knocking the wind out of me.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Now, what did I say that I would do if you lied to me?" he asked.

"You'd beat me," I heaved, still trying to get air back in my lungs. Wheaton nodded and walked over to his open suitcase to grab his belt before yanking my jacket and shirt off. Then he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom.

"I don't want you bleeding all over the carpet. If we do it in here, it'll be easy to clean," he said, smirking as I whimpered on the cold tile below him. "Lean against the tub," he ordered as he flung the towels away so they wouldn't get blood on them. I complied, pressing my cheek against the cool ceramic surface and offering my back as a blank canvas on which Wheaton would paint with violence and pain.

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