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Valerie's POV 

I flutter my eyes open and shut them back almost immediately. My head throbs and my eyes are weak.

I try to lift my legs and I do so without any hassle. I try to lift my hands too and I did too.

When I drop them back on the bed, I become weaker.

Where the hell am I? 

I open my eyes again to see nothing but white ceilings with huge hanging white fans. 

Why is everything full of white? Where am I? Who am I?

I take a couple of deep breaths, then I feel a comforting touch on my hand. Before I can turn to stare at who the person is, a shout of triumph fills the air.

"Valerie!" I hear them shout till I can see their faces. I recognize two of them but one of the faces seems unfamiliar.

"My baby, please say something!" my mother gushes at me. Even if I do not recognize her, her actions alone are enough to give it away that this is my mother.

What happened to me?

She takes the hand touching me away and grabs me roughly, making me wince in pain. This is when I notice a cap on my head.

What the hell is a cap doing on my head here? I barely wear caps because I hate them. Anytime I want to take a shower and I decide to wear a shower cap, I always find myself tearing it off immediately because of the itching effect caps have on me.

Why am I wearing a cap?

Unconsciously, ignoring the two men staring at me with concern and my mother throwing a tantrum, I try to take the cap off but it won't budge.

Gritting my teeth together in complete irritation, I pull at it again until Mother screams and grabs my hand away.

"Take the cap off", I growl and frown deeply. It is itchy. I want it off. She knows so well that I hate caps, why is she allowing them to put one on me?

"It's not a cap, Valerie", she answers with tears rolling down her eyes. "It's a bandage."

Bandage? Am I in a hospital? What happened to me?

Before I can try to remember what the hell happened that led to this, my dad appears with a sad smile on his face.

"My child", he takes a hold of my hand. It feels soft but not as comforting as the first touch. It wasn't my mother's touch either, which means the other man was the one holding my hand.

He was the one who gave that comforting touch.

I glance around to see him standing beside Mother. When they notice I am watching him, he comes closer and smiles lightly.

He was looking unfamiliar earlier but now I find his smile familiar. 

"How are you feeling now, Val?" he asks me in a deep husky voice that is evident of sorrow or sadness for years.

Did he cry? Who is he?

Wait, is this Fred? I know Fred and I broke up because Brenda slept with him. Why then did my mother allow him in when she knows clearly enough that I hate him with everything in me?

When I stare back at him, it turns blank and I ask slowly. "Who are you?"

Confusion fills his expression and suddenly, it is replaced with panic. Dad and Mom also gape in alarm and before I know it, they begin to shout out for the doctor.

I am also confused too. Obviously, this person is someone I ought to remember but I don't know why I can't remember him. I can't even remember what happened to me.

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