Chapter 17

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Who never knew 20 minutes would be this long. I felt every second as it passed and the silence made it 10 times worse. I didn't attempt to switch on the radio afraid that may trigger a conversation that might bring up yesterday's issue.

He might be good at hiding his emotions but I'm sure the image of me peeing on him still lingers at the back of his mind. His probably disgusted by me and can't wait for this to be over. Why did I let things get that far? why did I allow it to happen in the first place? but most importantly why did he start it? 

Is he attracted to me? 

' was' because there was no way he could like me after what happened.

The whole ride there, not a word was exchanged.  Nothing but dreadful silence and the sound of the engine. I don't even know we are headed, for all I know he could be delivering me to a human trafficker. - I read too many books-

" where exactly are we going? " I ask after some time. 

" Restaurant, "

'no shit nigga' I say inwardly. I remain silent for the rest of the ride. my thoughts wondering to my Nona... God, I miss that woman.

With the sound of the engine coming to rest. My attention is brought back to my dreadful present. A beautiful restaurant stood in front of us and I couldn't but stare in amazement at the building. " are you coming?" I hear Danial ask and I roll my eyes at the question.

I get out of the car and make it around the vehicle to Danial as I wait for him to lead the way. Without another word, he locks elbows with me and starts walking towards the entrance. Everything about this place screamed elegance. I didn't see many cars outside so, I assumed this was reserved for the crazy rich people.

As we walk in as if it has been rehearsed, a woman dressed in a tight black uniform chipped in. " good day, do you have a reservation, sir, " 

I didn't fail to notice how she completely ignored my existence. 

" Reservation for Mr. Anderson, " 

" Right," she says clicking a few things on her pad before turning on her heel, " Follow me, sir, "

I inwardly roll my eyes. Can't she see that literally hooked to his elbow?

she leads us deeper into the restaurant before stopping. " your table sir," she says gesturing for him to sit down. " a waiter will be with you shortly, "

Daniel nods before pulling out a chair for me to sit on. I silently took my seat as Daniel took his own next to me. I noticed that she hasn't left yet. " thank you, you may take your leave now,  " the sentence rolls off my tongue before I can stop myself. She scoffed and walked away throwing her hips in the process. " Your table sir, " I mumble under my breath.

I don't dare look at Daniel, too ashamed to see his reaction. instead, I take out my phone to look at the time. " when is your client arriving, "I ask, slightly annoyed. 

"Soon," I can almost hear the amusement in his tone. I bet his smirking but I don't look to confirm." You confuse me, Amanda, " he says, and I 'hmmm' in response. I confuse myself all the time too.

" Andersons?" An elderly-looking man asks. Daniel rises from his seat and extends his hand toward the man. " Mr. Johnson, great to finally meet you in person, "

I too, rise from my seat to say my greetings. " this must be your lovely wife, " I nod and give a warming smile " I'm Amanda," I gesture to them to take a seat.

" you are a very beautiful young lady," the woman next to him says. I polity say thank you, before taking my seat.

Once all the formalities were done, they proceeded to talk about business which gave me enough time to observe. Mr. Johnson screams power, the man literally has neck tattoos, and his demeanor is scary but his eyes are soft. Ms. Johnson on the other hand looked like an angel, compared to the man she was sitting next to. I wonder how they met. She too had a dark skin tone like her husband and her movements were so graceful. 

She raises her hand to call for a waiter, and one almost immediately comes to her aid. " Yes ma'am, "

"We are ready to order, " she smiles at me, which I return and she proceeds to order. " two Bice Tagliolini Pasta with Lobster and truffles, " 

well damn

I give the menu a quick look over and glance over to Daniel for some help. Everything is written in Italian.  I give him a slight tap to get his attention. He glances between me and the menu " Two Fettuccine al Pomodoro," With that, he goes back to talking to Mr. Johnson. I give his wife an apologetic smile.

" oh need to worry dear, you should have told me you don't know Italian, " she laughs. " as for drinks just bring us your best wine, " the waiter nods and leaves.

see a total angel.

Hey hunnies 💜
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