Chapter 22 : Blood Soaked Ashes

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"Percy." His mother's faint voice whispered from above.

"Mom?" The demigod groggily questioned, rubbing his eyes.

"Percy." She said once more, causing the son of Poseidon to sharply intake a breath of air. Why was he hearing her voice? Memories flooded his head of that night that already seemed so long ago. The blood pooling around his mother's body, the body of Paul leaning against the wall with a thousand-yard stare in his eyes, the power and satisfaction he had felt when killing those three demigods, it was all coming back to him. They were dead. All of them. Hearing her voice was impossible which meant this had to be a dream.

"My sweet baby boy."

"You're so brave."

"I love you so so much."

'It isn't your fault."

Percy clutched his head in pain as the whispers of his late mother flooded his ears. They were coming from everywhere around him, overriding his senses.

"No! Get out of my head!" He yelled as the whispers kept repeating. It sounded as if they were right next to his ears. He didn't want to hear her voice. The scars. The pain. It was too fresh for his already broken mind to handle.

"You'll beat this world."

"Stop...Please." Percy begged, taking his hands off his ears after feeling a slick wet feeling pressing against them. Opening his eyes, he saw that they were entirely covered with blood. Beneath him laid a fine white sheet that looked to be covering something. The whispers had stopped but the atmosphere had taken a darker, heavier tone. He didn't want to see what laid beneath the sheet but his hand wasn't listening to his brain as it reached out and gripped it. His blood pumped and hands shook heavily against the cloth as he slowly lifted it.

"ACK" Percy choked out at the sight of his mother. It looked as if her body had been laying on the ground for ages. The skin was peeling and maggots had burrowed into any hole they could find on her person. It was a sight he knew would be etched into his mind and give him nightmares forever.

"Oh, mom." He wept, caressing her cheek just as she had done to him that night to calm him. Besides his crying, the room was deathly silent. A soft cry of a baby drew his attention towards his sister's room. Was she still alive? Did she somehow manage to avoid the lightning strike? Turning his attention back to his mother, he was suddenly met by her deathly face staring at him eye level. The hollow eye sockets that seemed to have an endless abyss in them stared back. Her mouth was agape causing all insects to fly out towards his direction. Percy, now horrified, flew backwards as he heard his mother croak out his name.


"AHHH!" He screamed loudly as his body jolted upwards from his bed. Desperately trying to stop his pounding heart and the ringing in his ears, he failed to realize the door to his room being opened.

"Percy?" A voice asked from his side, startling the demigod enough to pull out Riptide. The voice had reminded him of that horrific dream enough to the point where he couldn't tell if he was awake in reality or not.

"Woah, Woah, son! Calm down. It's just me." Poseidon walked into the room with his hands raised. He had a look of concern on his face as he watched his only mortal son act as if he were a cornered animal. It took the demigod a few seconds to realize where he was. Taking a shaky breath, he capped his sword before sitting down on the beside with a huff.

"Gods, i-it felt so real. Like she was right there in front of me." He rubbed his eyes that threatened to spill tears. That was honestly the worst demigod dream he had ever experienced in his life. Something he hoped to never see again. It already was going to plague his mind enough when he was awake.

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