Chapter One: New Beginnings

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May 25, 1991

    It's a night when only the wicked are brave enough to step outside their doors. A flood advisory has been issued, warning residents to stay indoors. Not that they're missing much. There isn't a lot to do in a small town like Bayless, whose biggest attraction is a grocery mart that doubles as a supply store. The relentless storm has continued its rally across the vast, rural landscape, well into the evening.

    Maggie Caldwell puts the curtains back in the hopes of seeing her husband's car approaching– but it's nowhere in sight. He should be home by now... Maggie thought, feeling agitated. Her hot breath hit the cold glass rattling before her, clouding her view. She wipes the condensation away, staring out at the deep rows of oak trees surrounding her home. Their wet leaves flap around in panic as if also fearing the night's storm. Lightning flashes ahead, illuminating her face for a moment. Her dogs bark incessantly from the outside shed, begging to be let loose. "Mamma?" A small voice calls out. Maggie turns to find her six-year-old daughter, Charlotte, teetering behind her. Betsy, Charlotte's beloved rag doll, sways in her grip as she runs toward her mother. "Are you still up?" Maggie demands, "Shouldn't you be in bed?" Charlotte stops before her and smiles, showing off the gap from her missing tooth before running upstairs, her mother close behind.

    As Maggie tucks Charlotte in, she lovingly twists the crank to her daughter's music box. It's part of their nightly ritual, playing the soft melody for Charlotte before drifting off to sleep. "This song is sad, Mamma," Charlotte says, staring up at her mother. Engraved on the music box is a forlorn-looking prince and princess. Neither one happy with the other. The edges of the box are lined in silver, perhaps to show a bit of irony. Maggie nods, "It is...but someone special gave this to me." Charlotte's blue eyes narrow in confusion as she asks, "Is that why you gave it to me?" Charlotte holds Betsy in her arms as she curls the blanket around herself. "That's right." Maggie smiles down at her daughter. Outside, the sky roars, and lightning cracks, causing them both to jump. "Will you read me a story?" Charlotte asks, voice quivering, "I'm too scared to sleep."

    After reading her daughter a story about a brave princess and a ferocious dragon, Maggie's eyes drift over to the clock on Charlotte's wall. It's close to ten. She heads downstairs and picks up the phone, dialing her husband's work number. But he doesn't answer. I could call his pager...but he said it was only for emergencies. Maggie paces across the living room, praying her husband hasn't been in an accident. She looks at the fireplace, the framed photo of friends and family resting on the mantle. Her patience is wearing thin. "Where are you?" Maggie says aloud. She can hear the dogs' barking getting louder—almost vicious. A sudden pounding at the door stops her in her tracks. Her body freezes, unsure if what she heard was even real. Who would even be outside at this hour–in this weather? Rain batters against the roof as she waits in halted anticipation. As if on cue, three more pounds rap fiercely against the door. Maggie slowly takes a step forward. "Who's there?" She calls out. She's answered only by the incessant pounding, always in threes. "Who's there?" She says again, "Who are you?" A slight pause, then... "Open the damn door!" A male voice yells. Maggie's heart pounds as she says, "Go away or I'll call the police!" Maybe the dogs will scare him away? She picks up the landline and tries to dial—nothing. It's not unexpected, the phone lines always go down during a storm. Where is he? Maggie's thoughts grow anxious. She slowly inches back towards the door, one foot in front of the other. She doesn't know if he's still out there, but Bayless is a small town, and everyone knows everyone. Why would someone do this? It's a well-known fact the Caldwells built their cabin on the outskirts of town. They enjoy the peace and quiet. But unless you knew where the Caldwell Cabin was, you'd probably never find it by accident.

    Maggie allows herself a breath of relief as the pounding at her door suddenly stops. She turns to head up the stairs and ger Charlotte when she hears a sudden yelp echoing from outside. Dread sizzles down her spine, a knot of fear rising in her throat. Why did the dogs stop barking? Another thunderous roar causes her to jump back as she cautiously inches back toward the window. Pulling the curtain back, she's left in shock and horror. The man is staring right back at her. Maggie falls backward with a gasp, scrambling to stand, before running up the stairs to her daughter. "Mamma, what's going on?" Charlotte asks, sitting up as Maggie flips the lights on. "Shh...stay quiet." Maggie says quickly, "Momma needs you to listen. Momma wants to play a very special game, okay?" Charlotte looks up at her mother strangely. "A game?" She asks. Maggie nods, "Yes–I want you to play hide and seek. Hide in the closet, and no matter what you hear, don't come out. Understand?" Charlotte nods, clutching her rag doll as Maggie ushers her to the closet. "Stay quiet." Maggie says again, "Your daddy is the only one that can find you...okay? Promise me." Maggie gives her daughter a final kiss before telling her to close her eyes. She shuts the closet and runs downstairs, desperation engulfing her every move. As she hurries down the stairs, she can see the door frame budge with each forceful kick from her uninvited guest. "Let me in!" The man yells. "I called the police!" Maggie yells back, "They're on their way!" She hears him laugh at her empty threat as if he knows it was a lie. Was he the cause of her dead phone line? She runs to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a butcher knife. She creeps behind the door, pressing her back to the wall as the man begins kicking the door beside her. Maggie closes her eyes, tears streaming down her face. As her eyes swell, the man finally kicks the door open, catching Maggie by surprise. A gasp escapes her lips, immediately giving her away.

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