Chapter Eleven: Closer

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    Doors slamming...footsteps pounding...a voice screaming... When I thought it was Maggie Caldwell's ghost trying to punish me, at least I had a theory to go by. But now that Alex has insisted that Maggie is still alive, I'm right back where I started. I stare at Alex as he tries to pull me into the cabin. I shake my head rapidly, taking a step back. "No. What do you mean Maggie Caldwell isn't dead?" I gasp. "Exactly what I said. That night...twenty-five years ago, two people died, but Maggie Caldwell wasn't one of them." Alex states, plain as day. "Two people?" I ask, "So that means..." I trail off in thought as a roll of thunder rumbles across the sky. Alex places his hands on my upper arms. "Stacey, let's get inside. There has to be an explanation for everything we heard upstairs." I shake my head, "I know supernatural. I've faced the supernatural. But not like this. The only explanation I can think of are ghosts." I say. Alex shoots me an uncertain look. "Do you think I'm crazy?" I demand. He shakes his head, "No." I look into his eyes. "I know there's something strange going on in this house, but I don't think it's ghosts." He adds. "Then what is it?" I ask. I can hear the rain striking against the porch. "Mr. Carter? If you don't think it's a ghost haunting the cabin...what do you think it is?" I ask slowly. Instead of answering my question, Alex says, "Will you just call me Alex? Considering everything we've already gone through, it feels strange having you call me Mr. Carter." I nod but say, "You still haven't answered me. There's so much I don't know about what happened here. You want me to help, but you're still holding back." Alex nods. "You're right. Let's go inside and we can talk it over." I shake my head. "Not until you tell me what you think is in there." Alex lets go of me and leans against the cabin doorway. "I think someone wants us to believe there are ghosts in this cabin." He states. "What? Why?" I ask. "Who knows what motivates people these days?" Alex laughs, "When I first arrived in Bayless, I realized how unwelcome I was here." I shrug, "It's a small town. They stick to their own, but they're not rude or anything. Wally's been very nice to me." Alex nods, "I'm sure he has."
"Do you think Wally's the one trying to make us think the cabin is haunted?" I ask, the idea suddenly popping into my head. "If he is, I don't think it was his idea. He works for Zachary Caldwell." Alex replies. "But why would Zachary want you to think the cabin is haunted? You don't think the sheriff is involved, do you?" I ask. Alex glances over his shoulder and into the cabin. "We really should go inside and discuss this." He sighs and places a hand on my shoulder to lead me inside.
Stepping forward, I slip on the wet porch and fall backward. Alex deftly catches me, holding me in his arms. In the distance, a flash of light breaks through the darkness. I look in its direction as I step out from Alex's hold and walk into the cabin.

    "So what do you think is going on?" I demand the second we enter the living room. "You ever hear of the phrase 'keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer'?" Alex asks as he squeezes water out of his shirt. We both form a large puddle on the floor. "Yeah." I nod. "Well, let's just say I don't buy Wally's innocent country act," Alex replies. "If it's an act, it's a good one. You really think it's just a show?" I ask. Alex nods, "Wouldn't be the first time I've encountered someone who wasn't who they let on to be." I see a hint of sadness flash in his eyes. He's probably used to people using him only for power and influence, and it looks like it's left a scar. I wonder if it was a girl. "So, you think Wally's trying to scare us off?" I ask again. Alex nods, "Makes more sense than an actual ghost trying to scare us away. Even if ghosts did exist, why would one do that?" Is Bryce haunting me? Trying to get revenge? Alex's words interrupted my thoughts. "In this case, the dead have nothing to hide. It's the living that hold the secrets." Alex says. "You think Wally knows who killed Charlotte?" Alex doesn't give a yes or no, but says, "I don't need Wally to know who killed Charlotte." He turns away from me, and I take a step closer. "You already know who killed her." I realize. "Yes." Alex says. "Who was it?" I ask slowly. He starts walking towards the stairs. "I need to shower and change. I suggest you do the same." He sighs. "Who was it?" I demand. Alex takes a few steps towards the second floor before looking back, a stark sadness emanating from him. "My father." My eyes widen, "Your father killed Charlotte?" I can hardly breathe as I take in his words. "How is that even possible?" I gasp. "If it wasn't my father, then the only other option is Dan Caldwell. The truth is–" A ring from Alex's cell phone fills the air. He gives an apologetic shrug before pulling it from his pocket and answering. "That's fine Wally. I understand. The roads are too dangerous as it is. Not a problem."Alex's eyes flicker to mine as he talks to Wally. "If you can't get here, neither can those reporters. That's all that matters. Yes...right. I'll see you tomorrow." He hangs up. "Wally won't be spending the night here," Alex states. I nod, "I heard." Alex sighs, "Listen, just forget what I said about my father. You're probably getting the wrong idea anyway." I shrug, "I know it may be hard to talk about, but you can't just drop a bomb like that and walk away. Please, I need to know." Alex sighs. "My biological father, Lionel, was having an affair with Maggie. He was killed here the same night as Charlotte. Maggie was found in a catatonic state. She still won't talk to anyone to this day. Even me. According to the rumor, Lionel killed Charlotte, and then either Maggie or Dan killed Lionel, but there's no way to be sure. After that, my uncle Dalton took me in." I shake my head. "Why would your father kill Charlotte?" Alex huffs. "I told you all you need to know. Just let it go." I open my mouth, "Wait, but how–" Before I can finish, we both hear a door slam from the second floor.
"Here we go again..." Alex sighs. He charges up the stairs towards the shut door. The door to the pink room.

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