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There was almost a permanent glare on Robert's face as he towered over me. But I stared into his glowering eyes—even as intimidating as they were. Every now and then, his gaze shifted to the ceiling. Then, the staircase. As if he wanted to run upstairs to check on his kids. I'd have told him to do so if I wasn't so afraid to speak. He probably wouldn't let me out of his sights anyway.

Robert huffed sternly, losing his patience, "Well?"

"Someone was snooping around your house!" I blurted.

One of his eyebrows darted up. "Someone other than you?"

"Yes," I shook my head, correcting myself, "I mean I wasn't trying to snoop through your house. But I panicked. The police officers were taking too long to check. That's all, I swear!"

"You called the police?" he asked slowly.

"Not exactly. I told the officers sitting outside my house."

"What did you tell them?"

I shrugged. "That I saw someone snooping around outside from my bedroom window."

"Convenient of there to be officers outside your house at this time," he muttered and folded his arms, his glare easing up just a little bit. "I've noticed they don't ever leave. Is your family in trouble or something, kid?"

I couldn't tell if I was mishearing the accusatory tone latched onto his words. He wasn't particularly set on hiding it. I guess, in this situation, I had no right to be upset even if there was. Still, he made it sound like we brought trouble to the neighborhood when we were here first. And here I was trying to keep him safe. Sheesh, he could cut me some slack.

It wasn't my place to tell Robert that we were involved in the same exact case. Nor was it my place to tell him my brother was the detective on the case. Not that it was his business. But after tonight, I was sure he'd find out on his own. Then we'd have bigger things to discuss.

I cleared my throat, shrugging again. "It's sort of . . . complicated."

He opened his mouth but a light ding rang through the house. That sounded like a doorbell; potentially his front door. My eyes lit up. Did the officer finally arrive? About damn time. What took them so long? We could've been dead by now.

Robert narrowed his eyes and sighed. "Hold that thought, kid."

"That might be the officer they sent to check on you," I yelled after him.

"Noted," he responded, his voice gruff.

As he neared the front area, a thought dawned on me. Shit, would Robert press charges? He knew I wasn't here to harm him though. Or so, that's the case I pleaded. But did he believe me? Oh crap. I couldn't afford that kind of trouble. Screw me, I did not think this one through.

Robert was cautious in approaching the front door. He slowly reached for the knob, handling it with care. That's when I realized the hammer was still in his hands.

"Who is it?" He kept his voice leveled.

"This is Officer Phillips from the Lake Bellinor police department. We received a warning that there may be a possible intruder lurking about your property." Officer Phillips? Both her name and her voice weren't foreign to me.

Robert turned to look at me, then back at the door. He waited a moment before laying the hammer down on the coffee table beside the door. He proceeded to unlock it and swing it open, revealing Officer Phillips. But to both of our surprise, she wasn't the only one standing there.

"Shit," I swore after a failed attempt to hide myself. Logan elbowed Christian's arm, gesturing for him to look my way. Fucking snitch. Christian's widened eyes narrowed at me the second he registered me standing towards the back of the house. Seriously? Of all the people I could run into tonight? If I had the energy to bang my head against the wall, I would.

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