BOTM: How it Works

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Welcome to APIRomance's Book of the Month!

We interview authors once a month to be featured on our profile in our Aspirations of Enlightenment | Book of the Month Anthology. These are Asian and Pacific Islander Romance authors we searched high and far to have their API Romance works spotlighted!

To qualify for BOTM, your story must feature an Asian and/or Pacific Islander protagonist and include Asian and/or Pacific Islander cultural elements. If you're unsure of what falls under cultural elements, we encourage you to review our reading list descriptions for more information.

There are two types of interviews we offer:

1. Love at First Sight

APIRomance picks the authors. You may receive a message via your message board or email (if you provided one in a previous contest or reading list submission form) requesting an interview. We provide an option to opt out and you make take as long to respond to the interview questions.

If you receive an interview request as part of a contest or challenge prize, you will be given a period of time you are required to respond by. If we don't hear from you by the deadline, we will assume you have opted out and the prize will no longer be considered useable.

2. Unrequited Love

We can't be everywhere, sadly, and so not every amazing author goes through our hands to be picked. This option gives you the opportunity to apply for an interview, which will go into our anthology. If you are an Asian and Pacific Islander Romance author, we encourage you to reach out to us via email:

Your subject line of your email should be APIRomance Interview Application. We do not accept requests via private messaging or through our Discord. Remember to include your Wattpad username and the story with Asian and Pacific Islander Romance elements you would like to be included in your interview. If you change your username, please send us another email so we can update our records.

You should also tell us in your application who you are, about your work, and why we should consider you for an interview feature. If all looks well and our team finds you qualify, we will reach out to you with formal interview questions.

Aspirations of Enlightenment | Book of the MonthWhere stories live. Discover now