Chapter 26: Consequences

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As soon as Sakura became conscious, she wished she was dead.

The pain she had felt from touching Gaidoku still coursed through her veins, wrapping around every cell in her body and threatening to suffocate her at any moment. Hesitantly, she tried to move her fingers, but even that small movement caused agony to move through all her muscles. Clenching her jaw and forcing her scream down, Sakura felt tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Breathe, hatchling."

Gasping, Sakura willed the pain to settle, but nothing allowed her to ignore the burning sensation that sealed itself into her very skin and bones. No inch of her body was spared this torture and she had to wonder if she would ever survive, or experience another day of her life pain free. Grinding her teeth, Sakura tried to open her eyes, but even that took far too much energy she didn't have.

"What's happening?" Her voice was hoarse with disuse, or possibly from screaming, but she couldn't quite say for sure.

"Your body is changing," a different voice from before explained. "Because of our contract, you're taking on characteristics of myself. Your skin is slowly becoming toxic, and it is taking your body time to adjust to the toxicity. Once you have become used to it, you will poison any living being that dares touch you."

"How much longer?" She practically begged. She needed this pain to end!

"Another day."

"You're doing well, hatchling," the first voice was like a balm to her frazzled mind. Nodding slightly, Sakura took comfort in the praise. "Rest now."

Relieved, Sakura gladly let the darkness pull her back under into its warm embrace.

The next time Sakura woke up, the pain was nearly gone. It felt more like she had overworked her whole body like a muscle that hadn't been exercised in a long time. Blinking, she squinted up at the hospital ceiling and frowned. Why was she in the hospital? In fact, how had she returned to her world?

"Finally awake."

Turning her head, Sakura met the black, beady eyes of Gaidoku. The little bird was laying next to her head on the pillow, looking nonplussed by the whole situation. His bright orange feathers shone in the late morning sunlight, and Sakura couldn't help but admire how beautiful he was. Mindful of her sore body, she slowly raised a hand and stroked his head with a finger. Unlike the last time, no pain occurred.

"I'm just like you," she whispered, fascinated.

"Yes, that is what happens when someone signs a contract with a summons," Gaidoku said dryly.

"You're worse than my family."

"From what I've seen so far, I'm an improvement."

Snorting softly, Sakura let her hand drop onto her stomach and glanced around the room. It was a standard, private hospital room: a single bed, a couple chairs, a side table, and a divider just in case. However, the side table was completely overflowing with presents, flowers, and cards. She smiled softly at the large stuffed bear that was holding a card that had many different signatures and messages. How many were from her friends and how many were from her family?

"How long have I been out?"

"A week."

Eyes widening, Sakura cursed her luck. She hadn't meant for this to go so badly! She was supposed to only pop into the summons' world, meet her summon, and then have enough time to meet Orochimaru and Reiko for tea. Instead, Gaidoku had thought it would be a great idea to test her in the most roundabout way, and make her body change severely. Sighing, she had to wonder just how much trouble she was going to be in.

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