Chapter Two

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Alice and I take a deep breath as we walk away from the clock door to the outside. "You didn't have to come, Adrian. I can do this," Alice said without looking at me. I frowned, "I know you can Ali. Why are you so defensive? I just want to help, not take it over and make you feel like you can't do it."

Alice sighed, "Mother sold Father's ship and Hamish is making me be a desk cleric." I stop and snarl, "She did what?" Alice turns around and hugs me, "It's fine. I'll fix it when I get back. But let's focus on Hatter." I nodded and followed Alice.

We walked through the fog and it lifted to show us almost like a gothic-type castle. I whistled in appreciation, "Damn. That's nice." Alice looked over the edge and gasped, I followed her eyes and paled, "That's concerning."

I look off to my right and pale further, "Alice. I think we have a problem." Alice followed my eyes, "Oh no. Adrian! Jump!" I watched Alice jump and I followed her, "This is crazy!" Alice just rolled her eyes, but then shrieked when she slipped. "Alice!" I screamed and grabbed her hand as she looked down. "Adrian let go when I tell you to and drop off the other side!" Alice yelled over the scraping of the side of the rock. I nodded, trusting her. "Now!" Alice yelled.

I let go of her hand and jumped off the opposite side she was on, sticking the landing. "Ha! Eat it, bitches!" Alice laughed in exhaustion but then yelped when the rock under us moved. "Alright, Ari. Let's go." Alice smiled at me and we both start running to the entrance to the castle.

I pant as we made it to the entrance, "I've seriously got to start working out again. The dad bod is gaining on me." Alice giggled, "You have no such thing. You're just as skinny as I last saw you. You're a dad, but there isn't a dad bod." I rolled my eyes and grinned, nudging her.

Alice opened the gate and called out, "Hello? Anybody here?" I look around, confused about why the place is empty. As we walk further into the castle, I hear metal creaking and rustling around. I turn around quickly to find nothing behind us, "Alice this is weird." Alice nodded silently and just looked around.

We turned around and caught sight of a creature hiding in a crevice, "Hello?" Alice asked leaning into the darkness. A metal creature screams and runs away, saying tick repetitively. "Ah. This is it. Time's castle. That must have been a clockwork creature." Alice nodded and smiled at me, "Good job, Sherlock Holmes." I snorted, "You're welcome, Watson."

Alice and I run after the clockwork creature, trying to catch up. We stop and hide behind a pillar, seeing Time walk into our view. "I want a mustache like that one," I said in awe. Alice's shoulders shook in laughter, "I don't know if Mirana would like that." I pouted, "I'm going to grow one, just because I can."

Time walks closer to us and we retreat to a pillar farther away, watching as Time bumps into the doorframe shaped like him and he falls. "Stupid me-shaped corridor," Time said groaning. I gasped, "I want the accent too!" Alice snorted, "Of course, you would."

We look around after the bell rings and we heard Time sigh, "Will this day never end? It clings to me like a pair of sweaty pantaloons." We watch as Time passes us, not realizing we were there. We followed him as he walked into a golden glowing room that claims to be 'Underlandians Living". I smiled, hopefully finding out that the Hightopps are alive.

Alice and I gasp in amazement, looking around at all the clocks against the golden sky. "Who has stopped?" Time said. I realized that if a clock stops, that means that the life attached is no longer with us and he has to transfer them to another room. "Who has ticked their last tock?" Time continues, "Tocked their last tick?" Time stands there and concentrates.

I smile and look at Alice, "I'm in love. I'm leaving Mira. The accent. The mustache. The puns." Alice grinned at me, "I'm telling her that now." I pale, "Please. I was kidding. The twins will make me eat dirt."

We watch Time more, not able to hear him anymore, but we still admire him. We see a pocket watch come down and Time takes it in his hand. Time turns around and starts walking toward us and we hide. "Hmm. Let's put you away, Mr. Hinkel." Time walking into a gate opposite the living section. Underlandians Deceased. I gulp and look at Alice as we creep over to the entrance.

"Ah, Higgins. Highbottom. Not here yet. Highturn. Highview. Himmelby. Ah! Hinkle," Time muttered as he placed the pocket watch. My eyes lit up as I spelled out Hightopp. They're not dead! They're still alive! Alice placed a hand on the gate and it moved, alerting Time that someone was there. I moved before he could see me but Alice was too slow. "Who is there?" Time called out and I groaned silently. "I saw you. How did you get in? It is impossible. Come out, you little, wriggling worm!" I heard Time walk closer. Alice stood up and walked into Time's view as I facepalmed. She never learns.

"Oh. It's a girl." Time said, disappointed and I walked into his view as well. "And King Adrian of Marmoreal. It's a pleasure, your majesty." I grinned, "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir! I love your mustache and your accent. I really-" Alice cuts me off, "Please, sir. I'm sorry that we disturbed you, but if we could just have a moment of your time."

Time chuckled, "Time? Young lady. I am Time. The infinite. The Eternal. The immortal." Time spread his arms out and a piece of clothing came down from the ceiling. I grinned like a fanboy, completely enjoying everything, "The immeasurable. Unless either of you has a clock. So, being Time. I must give some of myself for you to have me. Are you following what I am saying?" I nod as Alice slowly nods, "Yes."

Time looks surprised, "Really? Oh. Do you promise to be concise?" I nodded quickly. "Well, I can most-" Alice was cut off by Time. "Because if there's one thing I do not like, it is people who are unable, unwilling, or, um, un. un. uh. Uncompelled to form short sentences." I nodded and Alice blurted out, "Our friend is in mortal danger." Time looks frustrated, "Enough of your jabbering! I have important work to do."

Time walks off with Alice chasing him. I look around in awe, "This is so fucking cool!" I run after Alice and Time as she pleads with him. "Please!"

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