3. Fading breath

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It's almost been a month now. The radio system isn't working. We have no way of contacting either the authorities or the other bunkers. It's ironic that they built this bunker to stay alive, but we are just barely surviving. 

People's faces clearly display the pain, anxiety, and despair they are feeling.

In the initial days within the bunker, I felt a palpable awkwardness lingering in the air. The unfamiliar faces, the confined space, and the shared anxiety created a sense of unease.

Grappling with my own worries and the surreal nature of the situation, I kept to myself, observing the diverse group of people seeking refuge.

Waking up in that underground maze they called a bunker became a daily routine for me. The hum signaling the start of a new day echoed through the dimly lit chambers. 

My "bedroom" was just a tiny nook with some blankets for privacy.

Heading to the communal dining area, I'd grab breakfast with the motley crew I now called my bunker buddies. 

Breakfast was more than just food; it was this weird bonding time where we'd swap stories from our previous lives, finding common ground in the chaos.

"Morning, everyone! Grabbing breakfast?" I smiled, putting my breakfast tray onto the wooden table.

I exchanged playful glances with Asher and Luna, the duo that always seemed to have a mischievous plan up their sleeves. They were like the dynamic tag team of charm, one with an air of playful flirtation and the other with a sweeter touch.

"Well, well, if it isn't the lovely Seraphina gracing us with her presence. You know you light up this place brighter than the emergency lights, right?" Asher added, winking.

"Asher, are you feeling okay? Did you accidentally inhale too much of that toxic air?" I expressed my shock, seeing his change in behaviour.

Asher chuckled, the glint of mischief in his eyes contrasting with his usual stoic expression.

"I can be charming when I want to be, you know."

"Charming? From Mr. Stone Cold himself? I'm not sure I can handle the shock." I asked, mockingly serious.

Asher leaned back, feigning offense. "Stone Cold? That hurts, Sera. I have layers, you just haven't discovered them all yet."

Luna chuckled, adding her two cents with a teasing grin. "Asher, lay off the charm for a second, will you? We're just trying to eat here without getting diabetes from all that sweetness."

Aria, my best friend, joined in with her trademark humor, her nurturing vibe evident in the way she interacted with everyone. "Yeah, Sera, you know Asher is just being Asher. But seriously, I need my morning dose of coffee before I can deal with his antics."

"Ugh, can we not start the day with Ashers' flirtation and Aria's caffeine addiction drama? I need some real food, not just the usual banter." Luna rolled her eyes at the little banter, showing a subtle sweetness beneath her self-conceited exterior.

Meanwhile, Elijah and Marcus were engrossed in their tasks. Marcus was focused on repairing the radio, while Elijah had plans for improving the bunker's ventilation system.

Elijah gave me small hug while putting away his breakfast tray, moving away from the table. "Sorry, guys, can't chat much. Got to fix this radio before it turns into a glorified paperweight."

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