Chapter Fourteen

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Cassie could feel a cool breeze, which felt nice. It also felt like the world was bouncing up and down, which didn't. She was facedown, her body curved around something large, solid, and warm. Leaves were brushing past, dampening her with dew. She must be back in the forest. Tentatively, she opened her eyes, but could see little beyond short, brown bristles rubbing against her nose. Horsehair.

How had she gotten on a horse? And where was she going? Cassie tried to turn her head to see, but the slight movement awoke a storm of throbbing at the side of her head.

She groaned at the remembered blow and felt the steed's gait quicken. A large hand landed firmly on her back, steading her.

"Hold on," someone above her said grimly. "We'll be there soon."

Was that Avery's voice? Where was he taking her? A particularly painful lurch sent Cassie bouncing against the horse's side, reawakening the hungry darkness. It was eager to take her again, and Cassie was grateful for the opportunity. She would rather the darkness than the memories. She would rather death than the memories.

She had no way of telling how much time had passed when they finally came to a stop and the stillness woke her. Their environment had changed, grown noisier. The running water and muted hum of daily life sounded oddly familiar. Surely he hadn't brought her home?

Blinking slowly, Cassie raised her eyes as much as she could without lifting her head. They were surrounded by wooden buildings and staring peasants. Avery had taken her straight to the center of Telyre.

She could hear the confused whispers wrapping around them as the horse stepped nervously.

"What in the three kingdoms?"

"Rode straight through the pigsty. Never seen anything like it."

"Do you think it's an injured soldier from battle?"

"This far south?"

"Does he look familiar?"

"Is it a dead body?" This from a young child, who sounded far too excited at the prospect.

Tired of the suspicious and bewildered murmurs, Avery dismounted. With as much care as he could, he slid Cassie off the horse and tried to help her find her feet.

She did her best to stand, but her feet kept sliding from the ground. She had no strength left to support herself. Eventually, wearied by the struggle, she sagged back against Avery and closed her eyes. The sunlight hurt. Everything hurt.

By now the spectators had fallen silent.

Sensing her surrender, Avery looked at one of the peasants. "You," he said in a hard voice, holding Cassie up. "Get someone who can help her."

"Is that...?"

"Cassie?" Though the fearful word had been whispered, Cassie heard it perfectly. Wynne.

She should open her eyes for Wynne. She should stand, should respond to her friend. After a moment of lackluster internal struggle, however, Cassie gave up. She couldn't.

Wynne, thankfully, recovered quickly. "Fetch Eleanor," she ordered someone. Running feet instantly obeyed, but Wynne was already snapping out more instructions. "Robert, George, come here. We may need to carry her to Aldine's. And Leora..." She hesitated no longer than a second. "Go get James."

The world was going fuzzy, even the darkness of her eyelids growing somehow blurrier, but Cassie couldn't summon energy enough to care. If people would stop making such a ruckus, she could sleep. She wanted to rest so badly. Sleep would be peaceful, painless. If it kept everything else at bay, she would sleep forever.

The Cursed Heirजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें