The Brave and The Bold

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15 Years Ago

Earth Prime

Bruce was getting irritated. He couldn't get close to Maxie Zeus to get a strike in, not that he thought a hit would do anything. He had been on the tail of the wayward former businessman all night, and come the dawn, he had continued after escaping the Spider. 

'I should have probably accepted his help,' he thought in hindsight. 'But I can't trust him, so it's better this way.'

He'd landed in a warehouse, which he'd confirmed was the current location of the false god, only to discover him waiting for him. Maxie Zeus had changed drastically. Before, he was simply a delusional man with special effects technology, but now he'd actually gained powers from the particle accelerator explosion. From what Bruce could discern, he had enhanced strength, speed, and agility around the level of Superman himself. His staff was also altered, and seemed to be able to conduct and generate lightning, making the sky around them boom with thunder. 

Bruce had been running himself ragged in this fight. He was just barely alive, which he knew was due more to Maxie Zeus's need to brag rather than his own fortitude. Now, all he could hope for, however embarrassing it was, was that that Spider showed up once again and helped him.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, multiple bolts of electricity struck the car behind which he was hiding. Bruce was thrown away by the explosion, and unluckily enough into the line of sight of the maniac.

"There you are, Hades," Maxie Zeus roared. "You're little tricks have gone on long enough. You should have known that you would be no match for the mighty Zeus!"

Bruce looked behind him, to see the police barricades and people running away from the scene. Cops had crowded behind cars to intermittently open fire on the metahuman, but they were doing no damage at all. He knew that if he dodged the next blow, those behind him would pay the price, so he simply closed his eyes and stood still.

"Sir!" came the frantic voice over his comms. "Sir, you must move out of the way!"

"This is it for me, Alfred," Bruce sighed into his mic. He stood in front of Maxie Zeus as the god-man drew back his arm to throw the lightning bolt shaped staff. "Say goodbye to Peter for me. Tell him ... tell him I'm so proud of him."

"You can tell him yourself," an irreverent voice interrupted. Out of nowhere, a car came crashing down on Maxie Zeus's head, sending the man tumbling over, stunned. In between Batman and the maniac, a red clad figure landed nimbly in a crouch.

Cheers erupted among the all the spectators. The police officers sighed with relief, and the reporters quickly started talking into the camera, their faces visibly relaxing. Most watching believed that this was it for the city, as nothing the police had tried seemed to be doing anything. However, such was their belief and trust in The Spider, that they instantly felt hope at his arrival.

"You're late," Batman growled. The other vigilante just gave him a deadpan stare that somehow didn't have an effect even through the mask.

"Alright," The Spider sighed. "How about we sort our differences out later, and simply work together to take down this guy first, huh?"

Batman just glared at the man before him, before grunting softly. Peter took that for agreement.

"What can you tell me about this guy?" he asked his father, who looked thoughtful.

"He has enhanced strength, speed, and durability," Bruce answered shortly. "He also can channel lightning and control the weather to a certain extent, especially through that staff of his."

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