Beginner's guide to charm an Addams into your heart.

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"Oh dear," said Morticia, "That's some trouble, indeed."

Okay, perhaps asking your crush's parents for advice was not the brightest idea you've had. But you couldn't help it– all the pathetic attempts to charm Wednesday Addams had failed miserably, leaving you with your lonesome, crushed heart. But there is no way you're giving up— Valentine's Day is coming up, and you're going to make sure to plan the best date for it. But to do that, you need to learn more about her.

"We're nothing like Wednesday. But we do have some key similarities— after all, we're her parents!" Gomez chimed in, wrapping his arms around Morticia's waist.

"Maybe I should tell you how I wooed Morticia." He said, smiling lovingly at his wife.

"Maybe you shall." Repeated Morticia. Gomez looked at you with a mischievous smile.

You drowned in both embarrassment and horror– hoping it wasn't anything including blood or dead bodies.

Wednesday watched as you squeaked in fear, half-burying your face into her arms, feeling your warm skin against hers. Her eyes stayed blank the whole movie, though mostly, it did not stay pinned to the screen like it's supposed to.

It was true to say that you've been acting out more than usual today. When she met you at the promised time, you had showed up in a clean suit— something she never imagined you in.

Then you started to compliment her, which she tried very hard not to throw up at. Your cheesy words reminded her of her father's, but lacked familiarity. She could hear how the words were still foreign on your tongue— she must admit, it was quite amusing to see you struggle your words out.

You took her for dinner in a restaurant— a fancy one, to be exact. She remembered how you said that you hated fancy restaurants, something about feeling too stuck in the room. You were being too suspicious, there's no denying to the fact.

"She was the killer? I thought the other guy was!" You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut. "Shit, this is scarier than I thought."

Wednesday sighed, shifting on the chair uncomfortably. It was dark in the movie theater, filled with couples on their date for valentines. Sweet whispers and giggles that echoed in the room only added more pain to the headaches she already had.

She stole a glance at your frightened figure, your arms unconsciously locked with hers, your eyebrows in a thin line. With your eyes glistening with tears, you bit your lips— trying desperately to finish the movie.

She knew that you didn't like horror movies, so why did you keep insisting on watching this? It did not help on both sides.

"I'm going to the restroom." She muttered, giving you a glance— as if waiting for you to grab the chance of leaving the theater— before standing up, leaving you alone in your seat.

"Wait, I'm coming with you." You said eagerly, clutching the edge of the raven haired girl's jacket— trying to soothe your hammering heart.

She gave you a nod, and turned to the exit. You winced at the scream that rang through the room, before tracing her trails.

It was in the restroom that you got to relax, letting out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. You quickly wiped your tears, avoiding the girl's piercing glare.

"Why are we here?" She asked, crossing her arms against her chest. Your eyes casting down, you fidgeted nervously.

"What do you mean?" You chuckled shakily, still refusing to meet the girl's eyes.

"I know you dislike horror movies. I know you hate fancy restaurants— I know you hate being in clean suits. You will tell me what's going on, or I will not hesitate to torture you into it." Wednesday growled, her threatening gaze boring into your stiff figure.

"Nothing's going on!" You denied, "I just wanted to try something different."

"I doubt you wanted to pick only the things you hate into the schedule. Now, tell me." She pressed, stepping closer to add more tension in the air. You clenched your jaw, fist tightening.

"I told you," You said, "Nothing is going on."

"Yeah? Like I'd believe that." She scoffed.

"Stop, Wednesday. I'm not going to talk about it."

"You are going to talk about it, and are going to now." The girl said stubbornly, furrowing her eyebrows. With the slightest bit of concern mixed into her monotonous expression, she grabbed at the side of your head, leading your eyes to her— forcing you to meet her intense gaze.

Her black orb sent you into a spiral, stealing your breath in one swift moment.

Wednesday shook your shoulders, pulling you back to consciousness.

"Tell me." She said, her voice slightly softening up. You bit your lips with uncertainty.

You sighed in defeat, dropping your eyes down.

"I just— today is Valentine's Day, and even though you had rejected me a few times, I wanted to give it one last try." You confessed. "I thought that maybe if I go on a date like normal people do— watch horror movies— stuff like that, you would like it. I know that I'm not the most ideal person to go on a date with."

You didn't look up to see her expression. You couldn't.

You heard her sigh, which flooded your heart with disappointment. Tears stung your eyes again, threatening to fall.

"Don't cry." Wednesday said, making your feelings worse. "I.."

"I did not reject you every time because I did not have feelings for you." The girl admitted, watching as your body froze by that statement. "I was.. scared. Frightened by the emotions, which must have clouded my judgment. I should've thought about how you'd feel by my continuous rejection. I apologize."

You widen your eyes, slowly processing the words that slipped past her mouth. "No!" You stuttered, "Don't apologize— you needed space!"

Wednesday pursed her lips, her crossed arms slowly loosening up. She felt guilt— something she never felt in her sixteen years of life.

"But now I realize how foolish I've been." She said, "Running away from my problems did not help anything. It just drove us to a misunderstanding— and now everything's clear."

Her eyes met your round ones— the eyes she came to love.

"I like you too." Her words slipping out from her lips so swiftly yet so tenderly, the teardrops fell from your eyes, tracing from your cheeks to your chin.

Your heart burst with euphoria, sending you to pure bliss.

You dropped down, burying your face into your arms. Faint sobs escaped your mouth— though it wasn't from sadness.

It was out of great joy and relief— and it was out of many things you couldn't name.

You felt her stiff hand resting on your back. It was cold but sent warmth to your heart.

Oh, the little things she did that dragged you into a whirlpool of emotions.

"You mean it?" You croaked out, wiping your tears with your sleeves. You looked up to see her eyeing you softly.

"Yes." She said firmly, "I mean it."

"Really?" You whispered, your eyes fluttering down to trace her lips— gulping as you did so.

You felt her slowly coming closer, closing the distance between you two.

"Yes." She breathed out, before grabbing your tie and pulling you impossibly close.

"May I show you how much I mean it?" Wednesday asked, looking straight into your eyes.

Yes, was what you let out before closing your eyes, welcoming her lips against yours.

You should really thank her dad, you thought.


Both Wednesday and reader are bad at feelings, I adore them <3

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