𝖝𝖝𝖝𝖎. 𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘

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"So, what do you think?" Enid asks hopefully, grinning at the pair expectantly

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"So, what do you think?" Enid asks hopefully, grinning at the pair expectantly. Persephone and Hades just stand and stare at the girl with raised eyebrows.

"You want to throw Wednesday a birthday party?" Persephone queries as Enid nods enthusiastically.

Noticing the unimpressed looks on the pair's face, Enid wonders whether she has made a mistake. "Is it a bad idea?"

"Yes." They reply simultaneously and without hesitation.

"She will absolutely hate it." Hades informs her as an evil smirk appears on his face. "It's perfect."

"But it's your birthday too, isn't it?" Persephone whispers to him, staring up at Hades in confusion.

Hades nods. "And I hate the idea of a party, which is how I know Wednesday will hate it too."

Enid has not been listening to their private conversation as she rambles on about her plan for the celebration. "...and we can have a cake and party hats and maybe play some cool party games."

"Ooh. Like Russian Roulette." Hades suggests eagerly to the horror of the girls.

"Maybe we'll just skip the party games." Persephone advises, making Enid hurriedly nod in agreement.

◇ ◇ ◇

Hades and Persephone crouch down behind the crypt with the rest of the people invited to Wednesday's surprise party. Persephone was still hesitant on whether this was a good idea, knowing Wednesday had made it explicitly clear that she didn't want a party. The whole dilemma was making her anxiously fiddle with her fingers.

"This is a terrible idea." She mutters to herself in despair. Hades slips his hand into Persephone's and allows her to fidget with his rings.

"It's fine. I won't let her hurt you." Hades assures her.

"What about us?" Ajax asks distraughtly as the rest of the group turns to the boy with wide, fearful eyes.

Hades ignores them to focus all his attention on Persephone. "Like I said, I won't let her hurt you." The group hushes as they hear the doors open, signalling Wednesday's arrival. Many of the guests are now slightly concerned that their lives will be at risk if Wednesday is less than pleased with the surprise. Nevertheless, they still manage to sound animated when they reveal themelves to her.

"Surprise!" The small group cheers, jumping out from behind the crypt. Wednesday's face falls as the group begins to sing 'Happy Birthday' to her. Enid appears with the cake, illuminated in sparklers and Persephone grows various dark flowers around the walls of the tomb.

Wednesday whips round and points her flashlight at Thing, who wears an adorably tiny party hat that Persephone and Enid managed to make. "I should have known you were behind this. What part of 'no party under the penalty of death' do you not understand?" She then turns her glare to Hades. "And you! How could you encourage this? It's your birthday as well!"

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