Ch. 4 - Boo-lieve it or not!

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(A/N: I still have writer's block but I decided to post this short 500 word chapter since it's been sitting in drafts for like a month and so I've decided to bless you guys 🥰 be grateful 😘.)




    "Dabi!" Shiyu shouted as she entered said person's room.

    "What is it this time?" He replied as he tended to his burns.

    "I want to make Toga and Kurogiri able to see me, could you help me with it?"

    "Why me and not Shigaraki?" He grumbled.

    "He's grumpy, so let's figure out why you and Tomura can see me but not anyone else," she thought for a bit, "what was your first thought before you noticed my presence?"

    "I guess you could say that I was bored and wanted something interesting to happen."

    "How are we supposed to force those emotions into someone though?" She sighed and slumped onto the floor.

    "Wait, I think I've got it," Shiyu sent him a look that pretty much begged him to continue, "They might have to have experienced a near death experience, I almost burnt to death once and I remember you saying that Shigaraki got shot a few times."

    "That must be it," she perked up, "but how are we to do that without killing them?"

A loud thud was heard from downstairs, followed by the sound of a female child having a tantrum. The two rushed downstairs, one simply fell through the floor and the other ran down the staircase.

There sat a heavily injured Toga and Kurogiri, Toga was the one complaining and crying, a mixture of random babbles and words like "damn those heroes!" "what's so wrong about consuming blood without consent?" and "this makes no sense!", and Kurogiri teleported a first aid kit and started patching them up.

"Well isn't this ironic," Dabi chuckled, only loud enough for Shiyu to hear, "Looks like they're on the brink of death and we won't have to try."

    (A/N: Ironic indeed, whatever could of caused that to happen? 🤔 *gasp* The author's laziness?! What are you suggesting! 😠)




"Oh my god, hi! How'd you get in here? Why are you transparent? Since when did you get here?" Toga had finished healing after a few days and noticed a certain figure floating around.

"You can see me? It worked!" Shiyu exclaimed and then gave Toga the run through of herself.

"I'm just glad I'm not the only girl anymore!" She replied excitedly, "Although I did hear that another girl was joining and we just haven't met her yet. Let's be friends- no, besties! I'm going to figure out how to physically interact with you then we'll be able to braid each other's hair and whatnot!"

"Oh my god that sounds so fun! I never did anything like that in the days when I lived!"

Toga nodded cheerfully and they talked about girl stuff. Kurogiri noticed the new companion but didn't have the bother to go up to them; they seemed alright.

    Whilst Shiyu and Toga were talking, Shiyu thought she saw a shrouded figure behind Kurogiri. She double-checked but it was gone; which led to Shiyu brushing it off.




    A few days later, the League of Villains were complete. Spinner, Magne, Mr Compress, etc. had all joined. Sadly, only Dabi, Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Toga were able to see Shiyu. Toga had introduced Magne to Shiyu which led to Magne misunderstanding and believing that Shiyu was Toga's imaginary friend and so, living up to her nickname, 'Big-Sis Magne', Magne played along.




(A/N: Nah I just reread this and it's kinda cringe 💀 hope you guys can put up with it.)

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