Chapter 7

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Alice won't tell me where we're going. And honestly, I'm a little turned around. I've been in the city for four years, but I still don't know it super well. And coming into Manhattan from this way is throwing me off. But we found a seat this time, and Alice has her arm around my shoulders. Well, kind of. She has her arm on the back of the seats, like she's not sure if she should actually put her arm around me. I scoot closer and, as casually as possible - which isn't casual, because I'm incapable of being casual - I lean back into the crook of her shoulder. In the reflection in the window across from us, I catch her smile. And she lets her arm fall around me. I could get used to this.

At this point, she shouldn't be worried about putting her arm around me. Not when she was - I assume - about to kiss me earlier. But then Mrs. Dubinsky knocked on the door. And now, we're off to a mystery destination. How many secondary locations have I been to tonight? Joe's. Washington Square Park. The hospital. Her mom's apartment. (John Mulaney would be so disappointed.) But it's been so worth it.

"Are we close?" I ask for what has to be the fourteenth time. Thankfully, she is endlessly patient.

"Only two more stops."

And sure enough, two stops later she guides me off the train with her arm still around my shoulders. We emerge onto a familiar-looking street. I have to crane my neck to read the street signs.

"Are we where I think we are?" I ask, starting to put the pieces together.

"Maybe. Oh. Hold on." She ducks out of the middle of the sidewalk and pulls out her phone. "It's Danielle. Sorry."

"It's ok." It's not really, but I brush it aside when Alice starts telling Danielle about her mom. It's a friend checking in on a friend. I can deal with that without feeling weird.

"Yeah, so she's ok. I mean, as good as she can be. You know." Pause. "Yeah, I might stay at the hospital tonight. So don't wait up for me." She laughs. "I know. Ironic, isn't it?" Another pause. "No, I'm actually...still with Eloise." She flashes me a smile. "Yeah, she's right here. You want to say - Oh. Ok. Chill. I'm hanging up. Ok. Ok! Bye." She drops her phone from her ear, smiling.

"Checking in?" I ask.

She looks up, brushing wisps of hair out of her eyes. "What? Oh. Yeah. I texted her earlier that Mom is in the hospital, and she wanted to know how she was doing."

"That was nice of her." I try to sound supportive even though I'm a little annoyed.

"Yes. But she was very insistent that I get off the phone with her and be here with you," she says. The annoyance fades slightly. "So, let's go."

She grabs my hand and tugs me across the street, down a block, and around the corner. As I expected, the Gershwin Theatre looms in front of us. The tall green Wicked sign is unmistakable. But she takes me past the main entrance to the side door. And we wind through hallways and past rooms and very surprised people in full costume and makeup.

One of them - a man in a cloak and half a face of makeup - calls out, "Alice!" as we hurry past a dressing room.

"Oh, hi, Mattie," Alice says, stopping so abruptly that I run smack into her shoulder.

"Only you would come in on your day off," Mattie says, wandering over to the door. "What are you doing here?"

Alice smiles, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. It's the least chill she's been all night. "I wanted to give Eloise, here, the backstage experience."

Mattie looks me up and down. "Ooh, what a babe. Love the jacket."

"Thank you."

He holds his hand out to shake. "It's lovely to meet you, Eloise. I'm Mattie. I hope Alice is showing you a good time."

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