02 - The French Maid

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Dhruv had cheated on more than one girlfriend. So a few of his former girlfriends got together and decided to enact some revenge.

Rani, Alia, and Mahi gathered and discussed the purpose of their meeting.

"We will bring justice and karma to Dhruv' life. He will regret having played us and lied to us," Rani declared.

"Yes! Our Girl Power will rock his pathetic little world!" giggled Mahi.

The girls began to plan out their revenge with artistic flare and creativity. Alia held up her phone to show the others a picture from the internet. She had a picture of a uniform on her phone.

"He will be wearing this for us!" Alia smiled.

Mahi stomped her feet as she laughed, "Oh god, that is perfect!"

"Yes! Dhruv will be our slutty French Maid!" laughed Rani.

The girls laughed about how Dhruv had told them he wanted to see them dressed as a sexy French Maid wearing tiny panties. They reflected on how he had said that he desired each of the girls to give him intensive deep-throat blowjobs.

"Well, girls, we have our work cut out for us," smirked Rani.

The girls employed a team of people to assist them in their goals. The ultimate goal was to produce as much humiliation in Dhruv as possible. Arrangements were made to hack into Dhruv' personal computer and empty his bank account.

They started a company called 'I Love Giving Blowjobs' and made Dhruv the company president. They made a website and put Dhruv' picture up.

The money from his bank account was emptied into a separate account that Rani controlled. She ordered dozens of thong panties from Victoria's Secret to be delivered to Dhruv at work.

He opened the box from Victoria's Secret as the two college-age girls from the office watched. He had no idea what was inside.

"The box says it is from Victoria's Secret. What did you get?" one of the girls asked as she stood in the doorway of his classroom.

As Dhruv opened the box and saw the contents, he could only look in shock and reply, "Panties!"

"Who are those for?" the other girls asked.

Dhruv read the shipping note, "Here are the panties you ordered for yourself. Wear them with sissy pride!"

The two girls from the front office erupted in giggles as they walked away.

Rani also ordered one dozen life-like dildos from a sex toy company. Those arrived at his work in a box that was discreet. He had no idea what it was when he opened it.

The same two front office girls stood beside him while he opened the box. When he reached in and pulled out a large 10-inch pink dildo, there was a collective gasp among the girls. They immediately reached into the box to discover what else was inside.

"Oh my! This dildo has a pump with it!" declared one girl.

"This one vibrates!" declared the other.

Dhruv blushed ten shades of red as they saw the box full of different dildos.

"I...I don't...I mean, I didn't order these!" Dhruv blushed and stammered.

"Hmmm, it's okay. Your kinky secrets are safe with us. Enjoy those!" one of the girls smirked.

Rani, Alia, and Mahi each made anonymous calls to the front office of the school that Dhruv worked for to lodge complaints about Dhruv.

"Please give a message to Dhruv Cummings. Tell him to stop contacting my husband and begging to give him more blowjobs. My husband let him blow him twice but swore, never again." Rani pronounced.

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