Chapter 11

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Willick and I didn't say anything further. We were just in each other's arms while recovering those lost moments, if possible. Being in his arms made me realize that I would never be able to stop loving him, no matter the circumstances. Also, I realized that what mattered was the love I felt for him and that he loved me as much as I did him.

How could the man I knew loved me without measure be destined to take my life? Literally, he'd taken it already.

But I didn't want a destiny that may not even be real to destroy what I had in that moment. The past might have been ugly, but I was having a beautiful present; in love and happy. I really didn't believe in prophecy, but if it was to be real, then it surely had been fulfilled. I was head over heels in love with the boy my mother was supposed to have foresaw would one day claim my life.

If the prophecy must be fulfilled, maybe it had been fulfilled in its own way?

I loved Willick so much that I knew I wouldn't survive a life without him. He was the life I live and the breath I breathe every moment. His arms were my home and his lips were my bite of passion. The light in his eyes was like a rose garden glowing under the moonlight, and loved basking in their glow whenever he looked at me. He already had my life, so what more of me did I need to protect from him? I knew he loved me so much that it radiated from every part of his body... Our feeling for each other was just something words could say little of.

We'd been in each other's arms for an hour, but he still wouldn't stop crying and breaking my heart with every sound that escaped his mouth. I had hurt him so much that it hurts to know how much, but it wasn't my fault. But if it wasn't my fault, then whose?

I probably couldn't tell him why I avoided him for weeks and I knew I wouldn't be able to tell him. I was afraid he would admit it to my face, and the pain... I guessed not all princesses are meant to live the life of a rose glittering in a garden.

"Willick..." I called. He didn't respond, still sobbing. I adjusted from his embrace and stared up at his face; my hands traveled up to his face and cupped his cheeks, then I wiped his tears with my thumbs. "I love you, Willick."

"I love you, Claire."

Our lips slowly met and cuddled gently, in the tenderness of the moment that was already breeding desires, until he claimed my lower lip into his mouth and my tongue thrusts along. We explored each other for minutes, not sure if we were still in the room or in another world, because if he felt how I felt, which I knew he did, then we were in a reality where the moon was beautiful in the sky and the stars claiming the earth; more like a snowfall, but more beautiful to be entirely called one.

I removed my lips from his and stared into his 'rose garden glowing under the moonlight' and he nodded; a pleasing smile on his face that burnt my cheeks to red. He nodded again and I knew he felt what I felt. I wanted him, all of him; not just touching me, but to also be inside me.

He picked me off my feet and I wrapped my legs around his waist, then our lips began to cuddle again as he moved to the bed. He placed me down gently as if I was an egg that shouldn't be scratched or broken, then he adjusted atop me and became comfortable. He began to kiss my neck, igniting a fire in my body with an unceasing want in between my thighs. He loosen the strip rope of my chemise right on my chest and had a seductive look at my breast before he giggled and penetrated my eyes with his stare.

"You're beautiful," he said before teasing my breast with his fingers. I drew him back to me and claimed his lips. His hand traveled down my bare thighs and a spark traveled to my head; a moan escaped my mouth. He released my lips and brought his head down to my neck, then breathed on it, making me shiver in the warmth of his emotions. I gave a different moan.

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