♡ piano class/ chapter 16. ♡

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He spread my legs like an open book, his fingers gently running down the pages. His huge arms locking around my hips while he devoured what belongs to him. "Fuck" he gasped softly under his breathe as we both watched his blush pink, veiny cock going inside of me together. My inner thighs begging for a kiss, his lips made it rain. As he roughly fucked me in the school goddamn's library.

"Thena!" And of course, my mama interrupted my very holy thoughts

"What are you doing mija? your food is gonna get cold"

Despite my mom's comments, it's like I had headphones on and I couldn't hear a word she was saying.
I couldn't stop replaying that moment in my head over and over again trying not to squeeze my thighs everytime I'd think about him.

After Friday night, elo and I headed back home and I felt like pure absolute shit. I was filled with guilt and disgust. How could do this to myself? The worst thing is that I couldn't talk about it to anyone. Don't get me wrong it's not like I didn't enjoy it... not as if I wasn't day dreaming about him breaking my back in every goddamn class but him actually doing it felt unreal. He made sure to comfort me after we were done and helped me to clean myself which made me feel so much better.

I was also walking funny for 4 days which surprisingly, didn't catch anyones attention. I wasn't a freaking virgin anymore. I threw my v-card to my fucking professor. I noticed a few changes after Friday. My breasts were perkier and my hips were larger. But mentally, still felt shitty and guilty.
His comforting words made me feel less like a whore or less dirty. And you know what fuck it. I was 17 years old with good grades and been good my whole life. I had the right to have a little fun.


Monday mornings were hard, but even harder when you lost your virginity to your teacher in the library and had 3 periods of his class the same morning.

School felt a bit awkward, I had a hard time focusing in ash's class for...obvious reasons! The way I'd get butterflies just walking to his class was one special feeling that I never thought I'd get. Thinking about his touch on my body would turn my vagina into liquid. 

"Are you listening miss hermes?"

I snapped back and turned dark red as I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in confusion. I heard giggles coming from the back of the class and I absolutely hated this class.

After 45 minutes of me chewing internally on my pen while squeezing my thighs thinking about his cock entering my-
The bell rang!
And again, I packed my stuff to leave but his voice echoeing in that empty class warmed my heart a little. Leaving a little smirk on my cheek

"Oh is miss hermes leaving already?"

I turned to face him, with a big smile on my lips. It was the first time we interacted since Friday. I was quite nervous of his opinion on me. During the weekend i over thinked a lot about him seeing me like some kind of slut he just fucked the night before. And I needed his reassuring words again.

"Too bad, I know you'll miss me" i grinned

He took one step closer to me while staring from head to toe and brushed his fingers over my lips. His glance was enough to make my legs shake.

"What are you doing after school?"

"I-uh- gr- grandma! I was supposed to go my grandma's"
Oh my fucking god of course my embarrassing self had to ruin everything.

Of course he laughed, making my face blush.

"Calm down baby, I'm not gonna eat you. Or am I?"
I rolled my eyes

"And why do you care professor?"

"Well if you're going to your grandma's, I can give you a free ride. Miss hermes I won't kidnap you I promise"

"I don't get in a strangers car" we smiled at each other.

We walked right to his car, and the ride was really nice actually. He made me forgot about a lot of things but eventually things kept bothering me and I felt like that was the perfect time to tell him.

"Hey um Ash?" He lowered the music

"Yes love?"
My heart raced

"Do you... do you see me differently now?"

He looked at me in confusion
"Differently? How?"

"You know... After we.."

He stayed silent and pulled in a small lane before looking at me and adding

"Athena how could you think that of me. I could never, ever think that about you sweetheart. I felt absolutely honoured that you trusted me for that and you don't how happy it made me that I was the first man to ever touch on you. I'm not sure if I even deserved it. I'm the happiest man alive athena, And I'm sorry if you felt some sort of way princess. You're still my perfect little girl in my eyes. I- I love you athena"

His left hand pressed against my cheek and his pink soft lips sucked on mine. I kissed him back passionately. I needed that so bad. I needed him. My hands wrapped on his neck and i enjoyed his warm cologne.

After a few minutes, we drove to my grandma's. I loved every rides I had with him. Every ride was so special.
Took us about 20 minutes to arrive there. I made sure to be very discreet when I got out of the car


"Well excuse me ma'am!" He whispered

But that's when I heard from a distance:
"Ohhh cara Mia what are you doing here!"

Oh no. Oh fuck no. Do not tell me that my grandma saw me getting out of ash's car. My heart fucking dropped. I saw the expression on ash's face turn blank.


"Gesù bambino perché sei così pallido?"
(Jesus baby why are you so pale?) She added.

"Uh-" I was a stuttering mess

"Piano class!" Ash interrupted.

"Piano class?! YEAH PIANO CLASS"

Long seconds of us awkwardly smiling to my grandma passed. My grandma didn't look very much convinced but she smiled at me and kissed my cheek

"Have fun mija"

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