Chapter 17 : Home Alone With Megan For How Long?!?!

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Just then Aunt Gemma came into the tent. Megan was current standing next to you.
"Y/n? Are you ok?" Aunt Gemma walked over examining your condition. "Don't worry that boy you were with got suspended from camp. You won't be seeing him anytime soon."
You nodded your head. Megan didn't say a word yet.
"Also another thing..." Aunt Gemma looked at Megan than You. "Me and Cady have to go record a video presentation. We have to still share Megan with the world. You and Megan will be home alone for three days."
You stayed quiet. Hoping a blush didn't creep to your face.

A few weeks later after the incident. Aunt Gemma and Cady left to go record their presentation. Leaving you home alone with Megan. You couldn't help that your mind was currently in the gutter. Three days home alone with your girlfriend. Everything at first was normal. Until night time came around. You climbed into bed and Megan climbed in after. It shocked you so much that currently your soul was pulling out of your body.
"What Y/n..." She had this innocent look on.
"W-why are you climbing in the bed with me?" A blush slowly creeping to your face again.
"Isn't it normal for couple's to lay down together?"
"M-megan don't- nevermind..." you said turn your head blushing. You then layed down. Megan did also, then she wrapped her arms around you and snuggled into your neck. Honestly the innocent move was not so innocent in your mind. You had to make sure you watched her she can be sly. Next thing you know she might be-

[AN : I'll let your imagination run wild. 😈]

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