Chapter 5 - Kokeshi

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I woke up wearing a white clothes i scan my eyes around i saw and unfamiliar people

I remember this is the people who survived the daruma doll and the maneki neko

"Hello" A handsome boy softly greet me

"My name is Haru" He introduce himself and gently smile at me

Whoa how can he smile in this situation?

"Y/n" I introduced my self too because i don't wanna be rude and he looks so kind

"Haru stop being a softy right now" A rude guy leaning against the wall said

A girl suddenly wake up she has long hair and wearing a glasses

She's cute

"Where am i!?" She ask

She saw a door and tries to open but it didn't

"Stop that you're so annoying no one's going to help you" The rude guy says

The rude guy walk towards the button and pushed it

It shows about what's happening outside right now

"Open the door with the key and it's over"

After that the door opened and hanako, taro, akemi, kenichi

"Hay Ha-ru-to let's play" Taro said at the rude guy

"I don't want to!" Haruto shouted

"Haruto!" Haru shouted his name because taro's eyes changed to color red

"Fine, what will we play?" Haruto ask

The dolls look at him happily

"We'll play kagome kagome, of course!"

"After the song, guess who's behind you within ten seconds"

"Wear the blindfold, no cheating"

"Easy" Haruto smirked

I'm aware that he would surely die because of his attitude

"Then we'll begin"

Haruto sit and wear the blindfold he was in the middle of hanako, taro, akemi, kenichi

"🎶 Kagome, kagome the bird in the cage 🎶

"🎶 When oh when will it come out in the night of dawn 🎶"

"🎶 The crane and turtle slipped who is behind you now? 🎶"

Haruto began to sweat because he doesn't know who was behind him

"Taro!" He shouted


"Sorry it was me akemi"


Akemi release a laser and brutally killed haruto

Haru is trying his best not to cry

I think he is haru's brother or bestfriend but i don't care it's none of my business after all

I began to think about how to survive in this game i can't copy what shun did because i don't have a phone

I can't just ask them because i know that the kokeshi's will hear me

"Let's see who's next, who should go next"

"Hey A-ki-ko let's play"

"No! I don't want to play" Akiko shouted

"You're no fun"

"Should we kill her?"


Akiko got killed because she still don't want to play

I look at haru beside me looking nervous

They all float towards us and look at haru

"Hey ha-ru let's play"

"I'll play" I said that made them all look at me

Haru is looking at me with his wide eyes

"Huh?" hanako, taro, akemi, kenichi looked at me curiously

"Cool! cool! You're into this!"

"This girl is super brave unlike the girl earlier i like you!"

"She looks smart and pretty too"

"Y/n" Haru said while holding my wrist but i just ignored him

"Let's get started then"

I was now sitting in the middle of them and put the blindfold

I carefully listen to the song and tried my best not to lose the track that who was behind me by tapping my hands on the floor

"🎶 Kagome, kagome the bird in the cage 🎶"

"🎶 When, oh when will it come out 🎶"

Listen carefully y/n haru is counting on you...

"🎶 In the night of dawn 🎶"

"🎶 The crane and the turtle slipped 🎶"

"🎶 Who is behind you now? 🎶"

"Taro!" I immediately said that made them all quiet

"As expected y/n is so smart!" Taro said

They all started to explode and a key fell into the floor

"Y/n thank you, you saved my life!" Haru said while hugging me tightly

Well this was so awkward i didn't even let my bestfriend hugged me before

We left at the room and i interwined our hands

He blushed

Don't get me wrong this is just a part of the game because to play this game you need to hold hands with a person

A scary kokeshi come towards us and look at our hands now interwined

"You guys are good friends? I'm jealous"

I look at haru a curious look to avoid some suspicions and was about to let go our interwined hand too but he stopped me

"Let's hold our hands just to be safe want if that doll comes back" He said while blushing

"Okay" I said while raising my eyebrow at him

I saw amaya walking towards us while holding the poor boy like the movie

His eye drop on our interwined hands he looked at our hands blankly

He then twisted the poor guys head

Wait isn't he supposed to do that later did i changed something?

"I don't need him anymore"

He said and walk towards me
he grabbed my hand but haru is still tightly holding it

"Let go" Amaya glared at haru but haru didn't care even if amaya was about to murder him

"It's fine" I said and he slowly let go of my hands

I just smile softly at him

Amaya quickly drags me and enter a room

He closed the door and look at me

"Why are you holding that guys hand and smiling in that guy?" He angrily ask

"Because i want to live?" It's more like a question than an answer

Why is amaya behaving this way did he gone super insane?

"Are you jealous?" I smirked

" Yes so don't let him touch you again you're mine alone" He said while looking at me intently

Wait what? did he injured his brain or something?

I suddenly felt his lips into mine

He was kissing me roughly

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