37 - nebraska

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(a few weeks later)
these past few weeks had been very good for me. i hadn't seen, or heard from sophie since our last message exchange. her parents spoke to me and my parents, and were very apologetic. her parents always loved me, and they used to be very good friends with mine. her parents were lovely, so i'm not sure how sophie became such a monster. they told my parents sophie was going to a psych ward for a bit, as well as them paying my parents and paying a fine for her damage.

anyways, enough about sophie now.. let's go back to the present.
it was saturday, around 3pm, and i was lying on my bed with trevor, scrolling through tiktok. i was home alone, as my parents had dropped my brothers off for a business meeting and then had gone out to meet their friends.
all of a sudden, the doorbell rang.
who could that be?? shit.. it's not sophie is it?

i pushed these thoughts aside, and made my way downstairs to the front door. i opened it, to see macy.
she looked very distraught, and her eyes were red and puffy.
"hey what's wrong?" i asked.
"can i come in?" she asked. i began to grow worried.
"yes, of course, come in" i said, letting her in. i closed the door behind her, and we sat down at the kitchen table. she took a few moments.
"i'm moving away."
my heart stopped beating for a second.
"what?" i asked, hoping i misheard that.
"i'm moving away. i'm being serious" she said, breaking down into tears. "my dad got a work promotion in nebraska, and we're leaving tomorrow."

in that moment, it felt like my life was ending.
why. why why why. right when i thought i'd made a new best friend for life of course she has to leave. i was gonna be all alone now. all again. all by myself.
macy was crying so much at this point, but i didn't know what to do. i was still processing what she just said, and i wanted to cry with her and comfort her but i was in so much shock i couldn't.
"so.. what? that's it?" i asked.
"what do you mean?"
"you're just gonna leave me? just like that?"
"what- maddie? i don't have a choice"-
"macy. you're the best friend i've ever had. i genuinely cant believe i'm friends with someone so amazing and genuine as you. best friends, actually. but now you're leaving. of course you are. no one ever stays with me." i said, standing up and walking around the room. "i should've guessed from the beginning it was too good to be true"
she sniffed.
"maddie. if i could, i would stay. but i cant. i didn't choose to, it's because of my dad." she explained.
"is there no way you can just stay here?? you can stay here.. with me- with my family. they won't mind, they love you-"
"maddie." she said, standing up and approaching me. "i cant. i'm sorry. it's so complicated, i wish i could but it's too short notice. we've planned everything out already, and we're leaving soon."
i nodded, trying to understand, as tears pricked my eyes.
"so when are you leaving then?"
"tomorrow morning. we're leaving my home at 7am."

tomorrow morning??? i didn't know she meant that soon????

the tears flowed down my face uncontrollably, as she embraced me in a hug. she was crying too.
"macy, i don't know what i'm gonna do with you. i cant do it"-
"yes you can. i promise you can. you're gonna get through this. you will, maddie." she said, cradling my head. none of what she was saying was going into my head. all i could think about was how lonely and depressed i was gonna be as soon as i went back to school. she was the only reason i looked forward to school anymore. she was my motivation. and then just like that, it's gone.
we stayed in this hug for a few more minutes, before she pulled away. she shook her head.
"i need to go home, maddie"
"my parents need me home so we can sign some documents. i wasn't supposed to even go out but my parents let me say goodbye to you."
"no no, please stay"-
"i cant maddie. im sorry."
we hugged one last time, before she opened the door.
"bye maddie. i love you always. i'll be back here soon." she said, heading out onto the street.
i watched her walk away, and in that moment i wanted to scream, and break something, or just do something bad, but i couldn't do anything. i couldn't physically move. i was torn.
i could see that macy was torn too. she looked heartbroken. fuck. if my parents were here they could negotiate with her and tell her she can stay here with us. shit shit shit. i'm gonna be so lonely. i have no one now.

i slammed the front door and broke down in tears. i collapsed to the floor and cried so hard i could barely breathe. trevor came running over to me and licked my cheeks, but even he couldn't comfort me right now. no one could. i was hoping this was all a dream,  i was waiting to wake up. but it wasn't. it definitely was not a dream. and if it was, i wouldn't wish this nightmare on my worst enemy.
ok that's a lie, i would wish it on sophie.
now i was by myself. again. back to stage 1.

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now