Chapter 7 nowhere to run

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an hour ago

At y/n old house...

miku is sitting on table
drinking beer and smoking..
She been drinking since yesterday
Normally reina would stop her but
right now reina is emotionless and doesn't come out of her room
ever since she met y/n in mall.
She can't even do the houseworks.
The house is messy and there are unwashed dishes in sink.
The day reina met y/n,
Reina told miku that she met y/n and y/n's poor mental state...
Miku got so sad and frustrated
herself...She already cutted off
with joe...well technically,she told him to fuck off and never showed his face again to her...but joe
didn't listen and saying that she shouldn't leave him for little bitch.LITTLE BITCH??WHO?Y/N?
The rage took her...and she tried to beat him...more precisely...she tried to muder him right at that spot
but joe run away ....

Now she is drinking alchol to
feel less guilty...but it doesn't
work...the more she drunk..the
more she want to meet y/n.
Miku drink the last beer on the
table...then she open the fridge
and see if there is more..but
there is no more beer...Miku
already drink more than 30..
But she want more so she decided
to go outside and buy it.
Miku put her jacket and wear a hat.She take out a cigarette and
light it on.Then she goes to
store and buy some beers.
In her way back to home,she is
walking slowly with emotionless
eyes everywhere she look
she see memories of y/n smiling so brightly
to her and saying how he always
love and admire her.y/n said
he wanted to be like her when
he becomes adult.But how about now?....He hate her now...miku
know that but she doesn't want to
admit it.

Miku thoughts:fuck...i shouldn't
be shitting around.I need to find
y/n as soon as possible...y/n
my little brother...He is a navie
boy and his kindness is unlimited.He can't deal with the
cruel world.Not yet...Is he okay?
Is he eating properly?What is he
doesn't have money to eat?Where
is he living now?No..Noo..y/n
my cute love...ahh...i am a terrible sister...i don't deserve
you as my brother...You always
trusted me and love me.Now
i had broken your trust to me.
I broke your mind with this
awlful body.Yes,now i know it.
If its is not for this body.
I wouldn't left y/n.I wouldn't
say terrible things that will
poison his pure mind.I should
kill myself...yes i don't derserve to live.I have to kill
myself..right now right here.
But...what would y/n do without
me?Who will protect him??....


Miku:who the fuck is calling me?

Miku look at her phone.Its her boss.

Miku:fuck what is this bastard want?

Miku answer the phone


miku's boss:l/n san why are you
not coming the work?You are a team leader.We need you l/n san.
This project you working is
important to our company.You
been absence for whole week.

Miku is working in game company.
Her team is taking care of graphic and motion parts.She is
a great employee.Even rival
companys want her.

miku thoughts:Did he think i care
about that shit right now?My y/n
is not with me.And he think that
the shitty some project is important than that????Fuckk

miku:well fuck you and your shi...opph..

Miku is about to tell fuck off
to her boss then she bumbed into

Miku:Shit watch where you going

y/n:ahh..sorry sorry i didn't
looking at my way properly.Here
let me pick your things.

That voice...the voice miku
desperately wanted to hear.



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