Chapter 18: the last week's before college

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I sit down on one of the bar stools, doing something on my phone. My wings are, I think, fully grown by now, by the way. They look pretty cool, a dark red color. I like them. But I still ask myself how I could get them when none of my parents are dragons. Maybe genetics? Maybe my great great grandfather or grandmother were dragons? I don't know, truly.

I completely forgot to play the two songs I've prepared for Andy on his birthday. We still have 3 weeks together, so I want him to hear them as soon as possible. Maybe now is the time.



"Can you come to my office room, please? I wanna show you something." I heard his footsteps go to the office room, so I followed close behind. I blocked his view with my wings, something I've learned. He turned around, pecking my lips.

"What is it?"

"Do you know I play the piano?"

"Yeah.. yeah, I do. I saw one time the door slightly opened, so I peeked in and you were sitting there, trying something out on it. It was pretty long ago, though. Why do you ask that anyway? Do you want to play something for me?"

"Yeah. I actually wanted to do that on your birthday, but we threw a surprise party at the end and I couldn't play at 2 AM. I was too tired for that heh"

"I understand..." After a few seconds of silence, he gasped. "Your birthday is soon! How could I forget?!" He face palmed himself.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't like my birthday anyway. You know why."

"Ugh, every year it's the same"

"Stop that attitude, please. Now get in." I opened the office door and he went in, me following. I left the door open, because we're the only ones at home right now. Ryan is on a date with his boyfriend, I think his name is Jack, I don't know.

Anyway, I opened the piano, preparing myself. I started playing "Comptine d'un autre été", which went surprisingly good. Then, I played "Je te laisserai des mots", with singing of course. I looked at Andy, who was standing next to me. It looked like he's going to cry. When I ended with this song, I looked at him, sniffling.

"Naww.. how was it?"

"It was fucking beautiful!" He hugged me.

"Have you learned that only for me?"

"Yeah.. ya, I did."

"Thanks so much! You make it harder every day for me to go. How will I survive in college, all alone? Without my support next to me?"

"Pfft, you will be fine, baby. It's going to be alright. Besides, we will see each other again, so look forward to that." I explained. He's not the only one whose heart is going to hurt. Mine will too, obviously. I will not wake up with him for the next six years. Six years! Man, how I wish we could go back in time, and relive the past 3 years of us being together. So much happened.

"How about we go shopping? Or do you wanna do something else?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hm... Maybe, uh.." I waited for him to collect his thoughts and then say a full sentence. It looks kinda funny, to be honest. The squinting eyes, furrowed brows, and him scratching his jaw.

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