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School was over and I had already said goodbye to Sarah.

I was making my way to the school gym. I was not happy with this situation at all.

Finally there I saw Aiden, leaning against the wall of the gym.

"What took you so long?", he asked annoyed.

"Long? It's been 3 minutes since school is over."

He only rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go.", he said.

I was prepared for many things, but not that we're driving with a motorcycle.

"I'm not gonna drive with that.", I said, taking a step back.

"You're not, I will."

"That's not really better."

"So you wanna walk?"

I thought about it for a while, till he disturbed my thoughts with his annoying voice.

"Good, I guess I'll leave alone."

"No, wait!", I stopped him.
"Do you have a helmet?"

"That's what I thought.", he chuckled.

He gave me a helmet and I put it on.

He already sat on the motorcycle.
I finally climbed on too.

"Put your arms around me."


"Just do it!"

"Fine.", I rolled my eyes.

Then he drove off.

I've never been on a motorcycle before, but it was actually really cool.

There were many moments where I thought I would die, but luckily nothing happened.

- - -

We finally arrived.

We stood in front of this big house and I didn't move for a second to look at it.

"We can't stand here forever.", he said while taking my arm and shoving me with him.

His grip on my arm was really strong and it started to hurt.

"I think I am able to walk alone.", I said while I pulled my arm away for his grip.

He rolled his eyes.

I rubbed my arm while he was searching for his keys.

He finally opened the fancy wooden door and we both entered.

He must be rich, because that house was huge.

"Aiden, is this you?", I heard a younger voice, from what I suspect was the living room.

"Yeah, it's me.", he answered, while entering the living room.

I didn't know what to do with myself, so I just followed him.

A little boy was sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Hey buddy, how are you doing now?", Aiden asked him, while sitting down next to him.

"Better, I guess.", he answered.

I noticed all the tissues on the floor.

"You should clean that up, Liam. Mom would be really pissed if she saw all these tissues on the floor."

"Fine.", he huffed.

Liam stood up to clean the floor, when he suddenly spotted me.

"Is that your new girlfriend?", he pointed at me.

"Oh no, I'm actually-"

"Do you really think my standards are this low that I would date someone like her.", he cut me off.

I scoffed.

"Well I think she's really pretty.", Liam smiled.

"Aw, thank you! Glad to know that you're not like your brother."

"Enough. Let's get this over with. Come with me."


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