Black Rage

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The last tape had left the Primarchs shaken, not only would the Great Crusade fail and Horus turn to treachery but their father the Emperor of Mankind himself would be mortally wounded leaving the Imperium to digress into a superstitious hellscape.

Any lingering doubts about their father calling them to Terra had dissipated these were grim tidings, even Angron and Mortarion, Primarchs who despised the Emperor were displeased with the state of the future, Sangunius detecting that his brothers needed time to process what they had seen suggested taking a brief break while he went to go find their Father to bring him to the next viewing the Primarchs each split off from the main group to converse in quiet voices.

~Angron and Mortarion~

"Brother" the lord of the Death Guard approached the Red Angel of the World Eaters "we must discuss our future" Angron snarled "there is nothing to discuss... Father's Imperium will fail as all tyrants inevitably do that is the future."

Mortarion responded ponderously "but perhaps... these tapes will change that, and what will happen to us when the Crusade is over?" Angron stilled "who is us, Mortarion?" The spiteful son chuckled "those of us who don't buy into Father's grand design, the ones who recognize Him for the tyrant He is. You heard the tapes the same as I did Angron once we have no further use our... Father will destroy us utterly."

Angron looked mutinous but accepted his brother's logic "perhaps we should talk"

In time Sangunius returned with the Emperor in tow, the Father of the Primarchs' face was grave as He addressed His sons "you understand now the severity of the situation? I shall join you for this next listening, I have already selected the tape." the Emperor selects the tape labeled Black Rage "let us watch"

As the screen lights up it reveals two Space Marines in a form of armor unfamiliar to the Primarchs, one of the marines lacks a helmet and his expression is contorted in a rictus of rage.

"Interesting..." the Emperor interrupts the video from his throne "I have never seen Marines who wear that armor" Guilliman spoke next answering his Father's implied question "perhaps it is a splinter from one of the legions Father if my theory is correct and the Primarchs have all disappeared perhaps their legions were unable to maintain their cohesion?"

The Emperor nodded and gave His son a faint half-smile "a logical deduction my son."

In the past even this minor display of affection would have invited jealousy from the other Primarchs, it was only rarely that their Father offered praise after all but with the words of the last song still ringing in their heads Guilliman's brothers were finding it difficult to trust their Father's displays.

There's A Shudder In Every Breath All Of My Thoughts Are Of Delivering Death

"If it weren't for the lack of nails I'd say these are the World Eaters" Leman snarked from his throne, Magnus unable to resist the jibe chimed in "odd... if it weren't for the lack of pelts I'd say they were Space Wolves." The Wolf King growled but a warning look from the Emperor directed to the two made them hold their tongues.

The Anticipation Found A Way In Like A Scratching Inside My Skin

Perturabo who had been uncharacteristically quiet for some time now interjected with his own thoughts "leaving aside the childish bickering of our brothers these Marines do seem to be berserkers, I wonder which of us they are descended from?"

The other Primarchs considered the question but honestly, they had no idea, Rogal Dorn believed that it was possible they were his sons, Sigismund, in particular, had shown some disturbing tendencies towards rage in the past... but Rogal was dedicated to only speaking the truth he would hold his tongue until he knew for sure.

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