23- Dinning with The Devil

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  Music. Soft, beautiful, lulling, and relaxing music was all I could hear as I slowly began to wake up. At first, I thought this was heaven. What else could heaven be but a relaxing brightness? My limbs cushioned in the softest and most plush comforters to exist. My head resting upon a bundle of feathers gracefully plucked from doves and clothes made of cotton sheered from sheep. The temperature around me slightly cool, but not cold. My mind at ease as a breeze blew whispers across my skin.

Yes, this is heaven.

But as my eyes fluttered open, I knew I was somewhere to the equivalent of it. Soft, orange lights decorated Jasper's room, unlike the harsh white fluorescents that accompany most of the castle.

Faintly, I could hear the rushing of shower water. I sit up, my black curls falling over my shoulder gracefully. I was surprised it didn't mat up since I didn't sleep with any protection on it. My legs were slightly numb, and a dull throb was silenced at my core. Memories of what happened not so long ago resurfaced, and I felt blood rush up to my face.

Who knew we'd do something like that? Though deep down I've wanted to with him for a while, I wasn't actually expecting it. My visit, which I planned to be for five minutes, must've lasted hours. I sit up, noticing that I still had my training bra on, but Jasper's jogging pants.

My blush grows deeper. I can't believe I let him see me like that! And I did things my mother would kill me for.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

I turn over and see Jasper in nothing but a towel, his long hair drenched with water. His lean abs were dripping with water, and I nearly fainted at the sight of it. His hair clinging to his forehead, his towel barely concealing my most favored eye candy. A trail of hair lead from the towel to his belly button and a gasp escapes my lips.

As if reading my mind, he blushes, a nervous smile on his face.

"Come on, we've got to get dressed. We're to have a dinner at 8." He says. I stand up, stretching.

"Why am I the last to know about this stuff?" I yawn.

"I would've told you, but..." He looks back at me as he sifts through his clothes. I'm convinced my face could not get any redder.

"Um, well, whose gonna be there?" I ask, standing up to scratch my head.

"Just a couple members of the Bloodwyn family. My parents, your mother, my brother and sister. Oh, and King Armelious's son."

I snap my head to gawk at him. "What?!"

He tilts his head as he watches me, a small smile splaying on his face. "It's an emergency dinner. All are to be in attendance."

I stand up, my thoughts in a frenzy. I begin to pace nervously, anxiety wrecking my body.

"You didn't tell me our arch nemesis's son would be there! What are we gonna do, fight while we eat crab legs?!"

"Hopefully not. We're just going to talk, as allies, and eat. There truly is nothing to worry about, Iris." Jasper says, walking over to me.

His lifts my chin up in his thumb and forefinger so I could meet his eyes. A glint of mischief and defiance swirl around in his golden-green irises, catching me by surprise. Something told me he had something up his sleeve tonight.

"Stop pouting. Your making me wanna lock us in this room." He kisses my pouting lips firmly, causing me to stretch on my toes for more, and leaves to go put on some clothes. I watch him leave, a sense of clinginess and sorrow washing over me as his hands leave me. Talk about touch deprived, cue the eye roll.

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