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Leo's POV


You know the feeling of having a complete family where happiness and joy flows like milk and honey. Where you can not do without smiling. Yes, that was it.

My family was as happy as a child who had just recovered her lost puppy.

But then everything was trashed as that happy family got scattered and no matter how we tried to make it work. It just wouldn't. Everything was ruined.

My dad pushed us out on that rainy night and severed all ties with us. You know it could not have been more painful if only he did not have someone else. He chose a love of over seven years to just a bond that was created by some moon goddess. I so much hate what I am. I am a BEAST. A human in the day and an animal at night.

Even my own dearest sister does not even know what I am. I feel like killing myself.

You know maybe I wouldn't hate myself if my dad was still with us. If he was there when I was having my first shift. If he was there on every full moon when I was forced to crack bones and morph into the beast. But I already accepted my fate. I have been living with it for long so… I am cool. Just cool.

Then I met this man days ago, I was so enraged.

I had told Ciara, a close friend of mine that I was coming to visit her since she moved out. When I got there I met her mate and we had some pleasantries before moving towards the pack house. Just as I entered, I saw my dad then I realized that Ciara's mate was my stepbrother. I had a little fight with them and ran off.

What was even more surprising was when my wolf stopped to see a female having sex with two males. I don't know why he got angry, he howled so loud and ripped the males' heads off them. I was shocked but did nothing.

(This is actually the summarized part of what ensued there. Read Demoted To An Omega to understand how it happened)

He said something like... Well, I heard it though... Like Mate. Ciara had once told me about it and I don't know how it feels but right now, I think I know because I feel so weak to move.

*Next Morning*

Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!

The alarm beside my bed rang continuously. I tossed around on the bed but it would not stop ringing. Stretching my hands out of the bedsheets, I reached out for it and clicked it off. I sighed and roll over to the side of the bed. I tried keeping eyes closed so that I will go back to bed as silently as before but then these little eyes of mine has decided to go against me this blessed morning. I squinted it open and saw that the sun had already risen.

I sat up sluggishly with crinkled face. I looked around sleepily and exhaled deeply. No matter how hard I tried to move out of the room, I just couldn't.

Her face kept appearing in my head. I tried my best in taking her face off but it was just not going. I felt frustrated but guess what, I could not get drunk.

Sighing repeatedly, I stood up and felt how shaky and frozen my leg had become due to not standing up for the past three days.

Immediately, I had left my stepbrother's pack. I lodged into an hotel and since then, I had not gotten out yet. The only time I do anything is when the receptionist brings whatever I order into my room. Then I would sit up and eat. I did not even take my bath. I guess I stink.

I scoffed. I raised my armpit up and sniffed it. Smelly. Stinky. I staggered my way to the bathroom with support from nearby stuffs and went in.

Standing right before the mirror, I looked at how tattered and broken I was. My eye bags had already darkened due to the stress and brooding. My stubble already grew out. My eye color already went dim. I was weak. Weak?. Is that the word.

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