chapter 9

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She was messing with my head and heart. And i didn't fucking like it.

When we came back from the lake. She did her usual routine. Baking, eating, watching movies and making my day better.

It was 10pm and Mila went to bed. Maggie left two hours ago, which meant we were alone in the house. Minus the two bodyguards outside.

Now was the perfect time to go in Armand's office.

Getting out of my room, i looked at the hallway making sure Mila was not roaming around.

No one was here.

Since i didn't have keys for the office, i had to pick open the lock.

Taking the paper clip i successfully opened the door. The room was pitch black and cold. I guess even Maggie was not allowed to clean here. There was a thin layer of dust on the desk proving that.

The office was big and surrounded by book shelves. The desk was covered in papers. Small laptop leid on the right side of it.

A lot of the documents were sent from the same person. Samuel Taylor.

Who the fuck was this guy?

I opened the laptop and surprisingly it didn't have any password. Armand probably didn't kept any important information on it.

I skimmed through the emails and found nothing. But Samuel Taylor must be someone close to him. There were emails sent from him as well. Yet again nothing so important.

I quickly took my phone and texted Tony.

Me: Can you look up who Samuel Taylor is? Must be someone who works with Armand.

After few minutes he replied.

Tonya: Currently eating. I'll text you when i find something.

Of course he was eating. I rolled my eyes.

Going through the drawers i found some business books, pointless papers and few hand watches. When i go to the last one, it was locked.

Ha! There must be something here.

I again picked open the drawer. There was documents and a latter.

I took the letter out and started reading.

Dear Armand and Mila...

Oh. So this was the letter. I felt guilt creeping inside of me. I shouldn't be reading this. But i did it anyway. It was the only way to find something about her mom.

Dear Armand and Mila

First thing i want so say is sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving like this. I didn't mean it to do it this way but i didn't have any other choice.

Armand you have to understand it. I just couldn't do it. I told you so many times that it was not going to work. And it didn't. You know how much i love you.

Mila baby. I wish i was there for you, but i can't. I've never wanted a child. Finding out that i was pregnant with you made me realized that my marriage with your dad was falling apart. I was willing to give birth to you and at least try to make things work. It didn't. Finally after five years i had a courage to leave.

Don't look for me. Goodbye Armand, Goodbye Mila.


Who the fuck would do that to their child. I cannot even imagine how unwanted Mila have felt reading this. And what a way to say sorry. I didn't feel even a slight emotional reading this. It felt like it was written for a stranger not a husband and a daughter.

What a cruel woman.

I placed the letter back in the drawer. Taking the journal that was placed on the desk, i went through it.

It was mostly filled with his schedule, plans and meetings.

The writing. There was something about the writing.

I took the letter out and place it next to the journal. Hmm. I slowly analyzed them both.

The writing was awfully similar.

And it clicked.

Armand wrote the letter. It was not Mila's mom, but her dad.

Why would he do that?

And another chapter for today!!😝

Why do you think her dad wrote the letter?🧐

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