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The slow intense music faded into the background noises and this defining moment was thundering vividly inside his chest like a heartbeat. He could faintly hear the person sitting in front of him, reiterating the directions of what was going to happen next. He felt everything at once, ending and beginning, standing on a precipice.

"Mr. Siddharth, let me phrase this one more time for you."

"Yeah" He nodded. The decision was going to change his life and how he didn't know yet. But he didn't want to spend time contemplating now. He wanted to spend these unclaimed emotions to his advantage now.

"If you answer this question, Mr. Siddharth, you are going to win an amount of Rs. 10 crores from this show. Are you ready?" The host spelled his words carefully and Siddharth closed his eyes to exhale, possibly all the insecurities and doubts he had harbored inside. He had stepped into this game show 'The smartest person in the room' to test the extent of his fate. How just in one fine minute, could he change opinions about him?

"I am ready." He uttered finally.

The host read out the question while his heartbeats frantically raced into a different state of uncertainty and clogging of the throat. Siddharth took a pregnant pause after hearing the question. He wasn't sure about the answer, yet he somehow communicated with the host to lock his answer. As the somber music began to play at a higher pitch, the host announced in his dicey tone, "Mr. Siddharth, the answer which you have decided for the question is absolutely.... correct. Congratulations, you have won 10 crore rupees."

The winning moment was celebrated with all grandeur by the organizers. As the balloons and sparkles showered on the stage and noises of praise and excitement filled the hall, Siddharth looked at his host who was extending his hand to congratulate him for the win. The essence of what he felt at that time could be reflected through the spark in his eyes. The host handed over a cheque that somehow satisfied all the anxiety he had been undergoing from the inception of the show. He smiled at him and asked, "Sir, when would I be able to cash in this cheque."

"Mr. Siddharth, right now you must not inform anyone about winning the money on this show till the promo of this show hasn't been telecasted on TV."

Siddharth looked confused for a minute and questioned, "I haven't been informed about such a clause before." The host looked at him and called the manager of the show on the stage. He introduced the manager to him.

"Mr. Siddharth, you have signed a contract for the same. Let me show you a copy of the contract." The manager handed him the copy and showed him the clause of secrecy in it.

Siddharth realized that as he had in fact signed the contract with the clause; hence he is bound to keep this information about the show from everyone as long as it isn't aired on TV. His heart again started scrambling to gloominess with the highlighted news. Even with the blaze of such a high amount, he found himself wallowing in the thought of not being able to share his accomplishment with anyone.

"Don't worry Mr. Siddharth, the amount is yours, you just have to wait for some time."

"How long would it take?" He asked the manager. Confusion wasn't a good feeling, it is certainly not better than waiting.

"Maybe, two months or six months, we will reach out to you with the confirmation." The manager replied to Siddharth. He analyzed the gravity of the situation and decided to go with the flow because the success he had was immensely valuable to him and the consequences it would ignite in his life.

Siddharth left for the airport and boarded the flight to his hometown Punjab. A series of emotions pinched him and lulled him at the same time. He wasn't sure about the hard work and capability he had displayed but he knew that his belief and dedication to achieving something to his name had made him thrive at this juncture. As the plane took flight, Siddharth started wandering into the cobwebs of his life. He slowly drifted into a memory lane where everything had unfolded. 

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