Chapter 2

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From childish pastimes to the same pursuits throughout their school career, they have supported each other in every sphere of their lives. High School wasn't ever diluted with a clichéd 'just friends' tagged couple, they were more than that. They have cherished their fondest memories and cried at their scariest moments. Horror wasn't just a random genre they picked to pass their time; it was a part of their cozy evenings with a movie marathon on either of their terrace.

They have aimed together and shared their dreams of pursuing their passions. Their roads have never been aloof or parallel they trod the same path. Copying answers from each other to Panchi completing his homework, Siddharth depended on her. Her favors were gently reciprocated by him taking a stand for her in the classroom during any subtle wars of adolescence. He was her warrior; for his short introverted friend never was able to reply to the taunts and leg-pulling in their classrooms or in the outside world.

In an incident where she gets hurt, Siddharth gets protective, like somehow he should be the one to shield her from what's happening. They used to travel to local markets on local trains for shopping and crowded trains are very difficult to board at times. That's one time when this accident happened, Panchi was accidentally pushed out from a train that had started running and Siddharth had almost punched the face of that person for making her fall on the platform. In moments like these to protect her from the people who crave to manipulate or take advantage, Siddharth circles his hand around her like an armor that repels the jerks, even if it means to hurt his own hand in the process.

Taking a stand shows how courageous you are for the person you care about. A shy person like Panchi also fought with people for Siddharth. It was the English Period when Panchi and Siddharth were passing notes in the class. The teacher noticed Siddhartha's distraction and immediately asked him what was being taught in the class.

"The importance of metaphors," he replied

"Go on," The teacher narrowed his eyes on Siddharth. Siddharth then explained the meaning of a metaphor and its importance in a poem and the teacher instructed him to leave the class saying he didn't know what a metaphor is. After Siddharth left the class, Panchi raised her hand and asked the teacher, "Sir could you explain what a metaphor is?"

Their teacher explained the meaning in similar lines that Siddharth had spoken a few minutes back.

"Sir, Siddharth also said the same thing when you asked him but..." Panchi looked at her teacher with a challenging tone in her voice.

"Panchi, I think you should also leave this class as you guys know better than me it seems," The teacher shouted at her and Panchi gladly joined Siddharth outside the class.

Siddharth was a push she needed to step forward for something she believed she wouldn't be able to do. He challenged her, nurtured her, taught her at times to be the best version, and also helped her to do theatre or music or anything out of the ordinary. He knew her well, he knew her best sides and also the worst, and most importantly he knew her strengths.

There have been a few times when he tested her limits and crossed her boundaries of patience like the first time he had coerced her to sing in front of an audience. Panchi never liked to face a crowd and to be tricked into performing did itch her nerves. She immediately ran away to the pond behind the school premises where they often sat laughing at random things.

When Siddharth found her, she was throwing pebbles like it was the body she had been hitting. Panchi was never a violent person, but he wouldn't want to make her angry, that just brought out the ugliest side of her.

"I think it deserves to go a little further, don't you think Panchi?"

She had looked at him like he was that one person she detested all her life, but it could never be the case. He smiled his best, the broad one on his handsome face of his, and said, "That's what I have been trying to do Panchi."

"You sing so well, it wouldn't hurt for you to showcase that talent in front of an audience, would it?"

Panchi shrugged as she had nearly calmed down. They sat on the two stones that were as constant as their friendship and looked at the pond.

"I think, I could throw and aim better than you", Siddharth took the pebble from her hand and they sat in silence laughing at her missing the stage in the midst of a school competition.

It was the final days of their high school, and despite suppressing their questions about their graduation college; they couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen next.

"What do you think it would be like in our graduation Institutes?" Panchi asked him

"Like how tough would it be covering all the courses or how it would be living your undergrad days?" Siddharth smirked at her.

"Oh, you will have plenty of friends Siddharth, I was just thinking how different would it be?" Panchi wondered.

How to define something that is evergreen, more than friendship but has never been taken to a level of romance. A fusion doesn't last forever people say, but the fragrance of an innocent feeling like this remains. They have never romanticized what they had, like each other's wingman, Siddharth and Panchi had stepped into another level of their lives, graduation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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