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"C'mon brah." Soul tried to console a sobbing Spirit.

"NO ZAMIR I'M NOT DOING IT!" She snatched away from him and shoved him backwards.

"You got pregnancy strength, you ain't never been dis strong." He chuckled.

"Ain't shit funny right now." She glared at him.

"Take yo ass on Spirit, I love you. Take care ah my baby... and feed Lilly." He sighed, grabbing her hands.

"Ian going nowhere. We agreed a longggg time ago we was gone die together." She hugged him.

"That's befoe we decided to knock you up. We agreed the baby come befoe anything." He wrapped his arms around her.

A helicopter light flashed across the ground. The two were hidden beneath the thick branches of a tree in the middle of a dark forest.

"Spirit, you needa go do what the fuck I told you to. They ain't finna stop til they find one of us." He whispered, holding her tight.

Even with his eyes closed, his tears still found a way to escape.

"They gone find both of us." She replied nonchalantly.

"C'mon Spirit, forreal." He removed his arms but she wouldn't let go.

"I'm not going nowhere!" She yelled.

"Spirit shut the fuck up." He mumbled.

"I'm not leavingggg youuu." She dragged, crying.

"If one of us make it. It's gone be you." He tried to pry her off of him.

"No it's not." She disagreed.

"Pleaseee baby." He sighed, giving up.

"Soulllll." She begged.

"KERAINE GO!" He shouted, shoving her.

She caught herself with her hands. She got up and ran without looking back as her instincts took over.

An unearthly pain struck her, hearing a single shot go off. She shook her head and kept running as more and more shots went off... and Soul didn't have a gun.

"He's already dead, fuck is they doing?" She sniffled, stopping after at least a mile of running.

The entire forest was surrounded by swarms of police and ambulances for the massacres of people they had killed beforehand. Both Spirit & Soul already knew their time was coming so they spent their last day on a murder spree.

She wiped her face and neck off despite still crying.

"I gotta keep the baby alive." She whispered to herself over and over again as she laid low on the ground, thinking of what to do to survive birth.

Her breathing became unsteady as her contractions intensified.

"Ohmygod-" She struggled removing her pants and blood-soaked underwear.

She tried to stay as quiet as possible while blacking in and out, trying to deliver the baby by herself.


"Ma'am?" An officer approached carefully, with her gun drawn.

She thought she heard a baby crying though it stopped a couple minutes ago.

"Hello?" She lowered her gun slowly and flashed her flashlight on the ground to find a bloody woman staring at her soulessly with a baby in her arms.

"Ma'am are you okay?" She gasped at the sight.

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