Flashbacks 2

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Xiao Zhan took Yibo to the store and bought him everything which was soaked in muddy water, Yibo was now trembling in fear as he was too late for his house, he was continuously gulping looking here and there, time to time glancing at the store's watch

Zhan was noticing each and every move of Yibo who was fidgeting very much

"Are you late to be somewhere?" asked Zhan now breaking the silence between them, hearing this Yibo looked at him and swallow as he couldn't bring himself to say that his family will kill him if he becomes late in anything

Zhan seeing this that Yibo is not going to answer him just nodded slightly and carried his things paying for it, he asked, "Where do you live?"

Yibo looked up at him and said, "W-why?"

"I'll leave you there in my car" answered the latter coming out of the store with the boy

"N-no need sir" uttered Yibo and bowed in front of him showing him his gratitude and spoke, "Thank you Mr.Xiao..I'll move from here now"

"I can see that you're being very late for where you have to be, let me help you Mr. Wang" spoke Zhan with a straight face

As much as Yibo knew that they'll be very angry with him if he comes home late when Yino even said to be quick, but he can't just let this kind stranger help him just too much, this stranger might also be late to go to somewhere he's going right now, with this thought Yibo asked, "But what about you Mr. Xiao, aren't you too will be late?"

"If you take you time here only talking then don't you think you're getting more late?" shooted back Xiao Zhan now coldly, Yibo flinched slightly hearing this and he hanged his head low not knowing what to do, he slightly nodded his head

Xiao Zhan saw the nod and his bodyguard opened a door for Yibo, who hesitantly went inside, Zhan sat beside him, Yibo maintained a little distance between them

"Don't worry I won't be late" spoke Zhan looking out of the window

Yibo glanced at him and at driver

"Where sir?" the driver asked and Yibo quickly answered, "Street 34"

The driver nodded and started the engine, the whole ride was silent in the car as nobody uttered any words, Yibo soon saw his mansion like house coming in the view and he said to the driver pointing his finger there, "Sir, that's my house"

The driver nodded his head and stopped the car, Yibo quickly got off the car and Zhan also did the same

The boy turned around to face Zhan and bowed at him saying, "Thank you very much Mr. Xiao"


Yibo turned around and quickly went inside his house, there he saw Yino was sitting on the couch, his arms folded and stared at Yibo up and down

"Where you playing with Mud?" asked him frowning a little, Yibo glanced at himself and gulped

"That's why you were too late? Aish you sting" said Yino making a disgusted face, Yibo quietly placed his things on the table and said, "t-that a car did this"

"You can't spot a single car, how funny..well are my things soaked in mud? If it is then you'll die today" uttered Yino and carefully checked his all things

"Lucky for you that it is not" said him and sat on the couch

"The guests will be here soon, Yibo go and mak- eww what happened to your clothes?" asked Mrs. Wang coming towards there but got cut when she spotted Yibo's clothes was muddy and little was in one of his cheek too

"U-umm I- the car" uttered Yibo hanging his head low, Mrs. Wang frowned a little hearing this

"Aishh this is not the time, Yibo go and prepare coffees" said her and turned to face Yino and she said, "Yino go and get prepared nicely son, you've to look very beautiful today" she said and smiled looking at her son who smiled back at his mother

Yibo quietly went to the kitchen and with that muddy condition, he started preparing snacks and coffees, when he finished he just stayed there staring at the snacks as he was very hungry, he looked here and there for the food, which is yes the leftovers of his family, when he found that it was near the dust bin he silently grabbed it and started eating it quickly

Soon the door bell rang and Mr. Wang went to open the door, Yibo peeked from the little window with was in kitchen, there he saw what widened his eyes, he saw a very familiar face - 𝘟𝘐𝘈𝘖 𝘡𝘏𝘈𝘕

Mr. Wang and Xiao Zhan both handshake with each other and Mr. Wang let him come in 

"I'm so happy that your father agreed for this proposal Mr. Xiao" he said smiling very happily, which Xiao Zhan  just nodded his head

He sat on the couch and Mr. Wang did the same sitting in the opposite side

"Oh you came Zhan, I'm so happy!" Mrs. Wang came there with very joyous face, she sat on the couch beside her husband

"Wait son he's coming, actually he's very happy and excited to meet you, that's why he's taking so much time to be ready" Mrs. Wang said teasingly to Xiao Zhan who said, "it's alright aunty"

"Aish call me mom son" she said fakely pouting

Zhan nodded his head and didn't said anything

"Yibo where are you?" Mr. Wang slightly shouted looking at the kitchen door, Yibo who heard it flinched and answered, "coming"

Soon Yibo came there with tray in his hands, he placed it on the table and placed the coffee in front of Zhan, who stared at Yibo and was confused by why he still didn't got freshen up, he's still in his muddy condition, why? Didn't Mrs. Wang said he's getting ready? Zhan thought, but let it slip

"Go and call Yino" spoke Mrs. Wang staring at Yibo who nodded and moved from there

"Who's Yino?" asked Zhan confused staring at Mrs. Wang, who smiled and answered, "You soon to be Husband" 

Zhan frowned hearing this as he was not hoping this answer

"Nice to meet you Mr. Xiao" Yino said coming there looking all shy, but met with Zhan's cold eyes


"Aish Yino why to be formal when he's going to be your husband very soon?" spoke Mrs. Wang teasingly, which Yino blushed more

"I'm sorry Mr. Wang but I thought the older son of this house is going to marry with me?" uttered Zhan with a straight face slightly confused, hearing this Yibo widen his eyes and Mrs. Wang and Mr. Wang started laughing nervously glancing at each other

"U-umm, actually Yibo is not ready for marriage..and Yino likes you alot so haha" Mr. Wang said hesitantly gulping

"What if I like Yibo more?" spoke Zhan coldly and stared at Mrs. Wang, who widen their eyes

"N-no how can you Mr. Xiao..I-i like you" Yino spoke quickly, Zhan shifted his eyes on him now

"Mr.Xiao uhm, Yino is a very good boy and child, he is very righteous and very sweet too" uttered Mrs. Wang defending her son

Xiao Zhan stood up from the couch and said, "I'll think of that..Right now don't take your hopes too high on this marriage, I'll carefully watch your sons and would choose which one is capable for me, thank you, I'm leaving now"

Mrs. Xiao and Mr. Xiao quickly stood up and gulped tried to stop the latter, but he was too stubborn

Xiao Zhan without wasting time moved out from there, they all stared at him dumbfounded, he got in his car and moved away from there


Heyaa! I hope you enjoyed this part and please please support mee! At last do read my other stories too if you haven't read it

I love ya!

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