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We headed to a clothes store where he mostly chose the items for me as I watched having to give him my sizes

Y/n- can you let go of my hand please
Joon- so you can runaway
Y/n- I won't I promise
Joon- yea no

He just kept adding clothes after that store we went to a store like was similar to Victoria secret but more expensive

Y/n- why this store?
Joon- don't worry I'll do the choosing too
Y/n- your so annoying

That store was terrifying but there was really cute sets that I'm happy he chose he really does have style in clothes good sense of fashion

After shopping for a while it was night we headed back to his mansion and the guards placed all the bags in his room

I would assume he had chefs but he decided to cook I sat on the chair that was with the island and just watched him

I was exhausted from earlier I just wanted to sleep but I was hungry

Joon- want are you craving
Y/n- pasta
Joon- alright then I'll cook you that

25 minutes later

I think I had fallen asleep but woke up to the smell of pasta I rn think I woke up right in time too he had his sleeves rolled up and everything

Joon- your eye is still swollen let me get you ice

I didn't even know what was going on I was half asleep he came right in front of me grabbed my face and lightly put the ice on my eye to help reduce how swollen it was

I couldn't help but look at him he had such nice eye they were hazel he wasn't even looking at me until he did and I looked away so fast that he smirked

Y/n- it's cold
Joon- but it's helping also why don't you defend yourself
Y/n- I was hit in the head with a beer bottle I got knocked the fuck out
Joon- still it's okay I'll teach you ways to defend yourself it will come in handy later on
Y/n- can we just sleep please
Joon- no you have to eat first

He grabbed the fork and took pasta as he fed me I got it on my lips and so instead he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me closer as he licked it off and kissed me

It was like I wanted it so I kissed back he even cupped my face to continue after a bit we back up and I was so shy I looked away and he started laughing

I looked back ir him as he was cracking up

Joon- you wanted it too
Y/n- I didn't I was just going to leave you hanging

He finished feeding me and we headed upstairs where all the stuff we had bought was put away

Joon- are you still shy with me?
Y/n- of course I am and still mad
Joon- really?
Y/n- actually I've been wanting to ask but where my mother I want to see her
Joon- she's somewhere safe don't worry
Y/n- can I go see her please
Joon- tomorrow
Y/n- no right now please I beg you
Joon- fine

I'm glad he agreed because I wanted to know everything as we headed to where she was I made sure to look outside and see the area

It was Familiar but not really we got out the car and it was an apartment complex as we went into the elevator I was getting in tears because I just wanted my mom to be okay

We then got to the door where she opened it I ran into her arms as she was in tears too,

mom- your father is looking for us
Y/n- we're safe now
Mom- how do you know
Y/n- because we are don't worry

I got to talk with her for a while and even joon was apart of the conversation we then left I felt bad leaving her there

Joon- she will be safe don't worry I have guards watching over her
Y/n- it's not even that it's that it's my fault she's been beaten
Joon- that's in the past it will no longer happen you can get revenge if you want
Y/n- I feel too guilty

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