Ch. 7 Red Flag

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//Blood and Gore ahead.\\

Leith had this god-awful feeling that something bad was about to occur. She just had no idea of its extent. She could tell by the look on Ami's face, that she could feel it too. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut. Soldiers seemed to block off all the exits as their father stared to speak. "We have word from the surface, we are under attack." His words made her twist to look at him. "Surface?" Someone in the back asked loudly. "Yes. We are stationed 10 stories under the surface. This is why you could never go out." He replied as Leith started grinding her teeth some. Something is terribly wrong. RED FLAG. The soldiers all around them had them boxed in, they were armed too. "A bomb is going to be dropped above. We want all of you to be safe, get on the floor and cover your heads." He spoke causing everyone that weren't soldiers to gasp and whine. 


The room sounded like a bunch of scared kids. "I know, I know. It will be over fast, I promise." He spoke. the look in his eyes was giving a different story that didn't match the fake concern he was showing. 


Leith turned to Ami as almost all of the group did what he asked. Ami, Leith and a few others were still standing, confused. Ami had become someone Leith adored. She was a friend she trusted with her life. Leith slowly shook her head. Ami looked at her confused. 

"Leith, get behind me. I don't want anything falling on you." He spoke as she gave a strange look. Why would he wanna protect her personally, and not them if a bomb was going to be dropped? She wondered. When she didn't move her grabbed her arm rough and pulled her back with him. Ami's eyes locked on her own. 


Leith suddenly noticed the faint gleam of a barrel raising. Her eyes widened as she started to fight his grip. A scream burst out from her lungs as Automatic Gunfire wrang out. Things felt like they slowed down as she pulled herself forward. Ami's eyes never left Leith's; a faint smile crossed her lips as blood trickled down from her mouth. She mouthed the words. 'Thank you for being my friend.' before her body collapsed down by the others who were now silent, and unmoving. Leith continued to pull and protest as tears raged in her eyes. "Knock her out. We cannot risk her losing the fetus." He spoke. Her breath hitched as she felt a heat form in her chest. Her eyes were still locked on Ami's lifeless body. Parting her lips, she turned her head to glare at him. He shrugged. "They were extra luggage I didn't need. Now i have you. Well, you're unborn. When it's born. You'll be dead too." He said in a nasty tone that only made her feel more rage and sadness. A mixture that was not good. 

As one of the soldiers got a syringe ready to safely put her under, she felt a strange pulse in her chest. The burn was getting worse. She lowered her head groaning. He turned back to her confused. "What is going on with you? He hasn't even administered the shot. You can be angry all you want, but noth----What the fuck.." He suddenly gasped when she spat out something hard onto the floor. Closer inspection shown they were teeth. He was utterly confused and seemed mortified. That was until she raised her head and her eyes locked on his. "Code Black, CODE BLACK!" He suddenly cried out rapidly as he tried to draw his gun. The other soldiers tried to react fast but couldn't. In a matter of seconds, the soldier who had her lost his arm. He reeled back onto the floor screaming and writhing in pain as he held what was left of his arm that was gushing blood with each beat his heart made. Her eyes were glowing, and fangs had grown in where some of her other teeth used to be. Her breath was heavy as she suddenly punched another man clear through the gut, sending his intestine flying out of his back. Her chest gave a new sound, unfamiliar to her. A growl made its way out, her breath fogging around her lips. 

"Y... You killed them..." Her voice cracked as she hissed under her breath. He had his gun pointed at her. He was shaking wildly like a child. "I remember everything also..." She suddenly lunged at him, but he threw a guard in the way. He ordered them to hold her off, and as loyal as they were to him, they did. He decided to run, he was so terrified he couldn't even use his gun. One might even say the man pissed himself. She dodged several shots and reached out, grabbing one soldier by the face with her newly grown claws, pulling back she shredded his skin clean off. Nose, eyelids, lips, everything came off in one piece. He grabbed his fleshy face screaming as he fell over as she tossed his face to the side. The others had wasted most of their ammo already on the others who were like her. They ran out and didn't have any more left to try and use them on her. She dashed towards the one on the left and grabbed his riffle and swung it forward like a spear towards his neck. The barrel popped through to the other side, sending spinal fragments speckling out. As his body fell still to the ground, gun still sticking out of his throat, her eyes fell on the last guy. He coward backwards, putting his arms up as he cried. "Mercy, please, we were just doing as we were told..." He pleaded with her. "No Mercy... you don't deserve it... " She growled softly as she suddenly jumped at him and grabbed onto him. "NO, DON'T PL----" His voice cut off when she knocked him onto his back and bit hard into his throat. The taste of his blood made her pull away and spit by the side of his head. She made a disgusted sound before she started to punch him over and over. Before long he was dead too and his face was unrecognizable. Her fists dripping with his blood. 

Her body was overheating, and it was causing her to sweat badly. She grabbed her shirt and tore it clean off, following with the same action to her pants. Leaving on just her crop top and a pair of underwear shaped like short-shorts. Her eyes looked over to Ami who she realized was still alive. She had tried to move her arm but couldn't. "L...Leith.." Her faint voice gurgling with blood. Leith froze, suddenly shaking. Starting to move she walked over to Ami and fell to her knees beside her. "I... you... say... you... remember..." She gasped through struggled breathing. Leith narrowed her eyes. Her state of rage was seemingly starting to calm as she looked down at her dying friend. Ami didn't seem to care that she just slaughtered all those men. "Ami.. I'm so sorry..." She shifted her head to her lap. "Don't... be... You were the best thing... to happen... to me here...Pl.. Please never forget me...I will... haunt your ass... " She coughed. Leith laughed through her tears that were now streaming down her cheeks. "Go... Kill.. that... bastard...." She choked out as she fell still. Leith watched as her chest stopped rising and falling, and the look of death came over her eyes. Leith suddenly let out a scream, a nearly similar to a warrior's battle cry. She laid Ami down and ran out of the Cafe. She Could smell him now. He wasn't going to get away from her now. She was gonna hang his head for all his swine to see. Coming to a security door she punched the keypad, and it slid open. Stairs? She huffed and looked up the stair shaft. It went up at least ten flights. She made Hase, darting around the rail and started her ascent up the stairs. The closer she got to the top, the more she filled with rage towards him. "Leith.." A voice suddenly made her trip up the stairs. It was faint, Very faint. Thats when she realized who it was and all the rage suddenly melted away as her lip quivered. "He's here. He came for me..." She found a door and looked down a hall. Nothing. "Kaija!?" She huffed. She didn't get a reply. Before she could call out again, she felt something hard smack her in the upper back. It knocked her forward causing her to lose her breath. She struggled to regain it as she turned slowly, gasping. There stood Father. Her face contorted as that familiar rage started to return. In his hand was a metal bat. Similar to the one she used to have. 

"Fuck you and that thing you're carrying. My men and I attacked that camp. We attacked and killed so many. Your little boy toy tried to stop us and failed! He's weak, You're weak! When we got you here, we wiped your memory. Your pregnancy wasn't a part of the plan, but it was a surprise none the less. I had an idea to take it and kill you after it was born. But, I've decided, to kill you both right now." He readied his bat to swing again. She quickly moved as he smashed it into the death. He quickly retorted, swinging it till it made contact against her upper arm. "She cried out. Something wasn't right. She was feeling like she had a lack of energy. Did she do too much before? She thought. When he dashed at her with the bat in hand she stumbled back and fell. She threw her arms up and turned her head. Her eyes closing. She didn't feel the bat make contact with her. She heard it hit the floor. Followed by a cracking sound and rustling. A loud deep growl filled her ears. Her eyes shot open causing her to look up to see Kaija looming over her. Fathers neck tight in his grasp. Leith gave a whine as she let out a staggered breath in relief. 

Kaija dropped the man on the floor who was no longer moving. Turning to her he got on her level with a worried face. That's a first. Him, worried. Her was moving her around checking every inch of her body. Seeing her injuries, he growled. "Are you ok..." His voice rolled off his tongue softly. She felt such relief hearing his voice again, even when he was mean. She lunged forward and suddenly hugged onto him. Pressing herself into him. Her little stomach pushed against his abs. He caressed her cheek as he looked down at her. "I... I..." She couldn't get the words out. He was puzzled. Seeing her with fangs, claws and such. What did they do to her! He wondered. When she tried to speak but couldn't he pulled her into his arms and stood up. He needed to get her out of there now. Get her to safety. She was still conscious but barely. She could hear his heart beating in his massive chest as he took off with incredible speed towards where he came in at. 

Sunlight hit her face which caused her to quickly burry her face in his chest. She could hear shouting and others talking. Before long, she was in the dark abyss again. 

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