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Question for y'all:     What was the first Wattpad story or kind of story that hooked you? 

For me, I discovered Wattpad when pulling long high school hours to catch up. (I'd had an attention problem with the way somethings were taught in 1-2 classes. So I would be doing school work from 6am to 8pm trying to get through it and get it right.)

I would sneak a few paragraphs of a Divergent FanFiction in throughout the day of me trying to force my brain to understand the school work.

It was specifically the moment I discovered Wattpad had more than one Eric x MC or Eric x reader stories that I was sold lol.

(Hey he was an Ass, but let's admit in the movies he was hella hot lol)

What about for you??


Don't forget--  I'm offering exclusive content: first access, sneak peeks, never-seen chapters from old stories, voting on my next story, & more on Patreon now! Link is on my profile

Happy reading loves <3


 I turned away from the window only once their vehicles disappeared from sight. After I saw them all leave and knew I wouldn't bump into any of them once I left the safety of my bedroom.

I didn't care how starving I was, or if I was dying of thirst, I didn't want to see their faces right now.

The last two times they'd come back home, I had already been up for hours before them. I'd had breakfast all ready and was just counting the clock's chimes as I waited to see them walk through the door.

God, how stupid I'd been.

I should've realized sooner and saved myself the trouble, that they were too busy to even notice me there in the same room with them. They didn't have time to talk to me. They had other things to do.

Every time. And I would still be there sitting at the table, waiting for them to come back all night long again too.

I had learned this time though, I swore it. I knew better than to wait for them or beg for their attention. And why bother twisting the knife in deeper in the wound? It was better that I stayed away from them no matter what now.

They'd be gone soon enough as it was. Regardless of whatever bullshit Stryker had tried to sell me at the diner, I knew it. I couldn't afford to hope for the opposite now.

At least that's what I told myself as I stood in front of my door, staring at it silently.

So I did the next best thing I could think to do in that moment.

I dashed down the stairs two at a time, snatched my keys off the hook by the door, and fled the house like my hair was on fire.

I was chasing the best thing I knew that could chase away the intrusive thoughts I didn't want, a good bottle of alcohol and a trip to the only witch I could tolerate.


''You're the only live being that would break into a witch's haunted house to raid her liquor cabinet, you know that Bee?"

I didn't even turn my head to greet Aleise, simply waving over my shoulder at her as I picked what bottles I wanted to start with. Rum was my number one choice, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to start with the banana or coconut one.

''Just grab both, you look like you're gonna go through at least two by the time you leave,'' Aleise sighed in a way that told me she was also shaking her head at me.

''Thank you for supplying my need, you wonderful friend you,'' I turned just enough to wink at her.


''Fira popping in too?" I ask as I finally turn and stand up with my loot in my arms and a grin on my face.

My friend stood still like a silhouette in her own home, like the smallest thing in the huge entry way of the old mansion. Aleise's dark green hair was adorned with a daisy crown that looked as if it would never die, the flowers just as alive as if they were still in the ground outside. They suited her green eyes and freckled face very well, even in the darkness of the house. All her other clothes were dark and hard to see well in the shadows around us, but her face and features never seemed to be hid easily.

She shrugged to my question, ''I don't question you two popping into my house at all hours anymore. You come when you want, I just keep the booze and marshmallows stocked.''

I couldn't deny that, it was very true.

''You love us though,'' I raised the bottles up and skipped happily towards the staircase I knew lead up to her room where Fira would probably meet us soon to hang out as well. Our friend had a strange sixth sense when it came to our friend group and always knew when we were around each other. Even if the other had no idea.

Aleise was the town recluse that hadn't left her house (much less been seen at a window in the said house) in years. She was also secretly the only witch in our area, werewolves didn't get along well with other kinds of mythical creatures so I was the only one that knew. Well, aside from Fira that is.

The only reason wolves didn't come sniffing around to see why she was so weird was because her house was literally haunted and sent a chill down your spine just to look at. Or at least it did to anyone except the Bitch Club. Fira and I were the only other beings to be inside the house for at least seven years.

''Are we drinking ourselves into oblivion for a reason?'' Aleise asked as I plopped down on her bedroom floor and immediately began opening a bottle. She eyed me carefully.

''Well, after Bee's drunk enough we could break some things!" a cheery and way-too-overly-happy voice said, belonging to none other than Fira.

The girl was like a pixie in every way, I swore. From the way her voice was high and sing-songy, to the way her hair bounced with every happy bounce she took. She could also get into anywhere quicker than I could blink, hence why she was hanging upside down from the window and kicking her feet for fun in the air even though Aleise kept everything locked tight.

We all looked at each other for a moment.

I held up a finger as I took a few swigs of the banana rum, then I answered, ''Sounds good to me.''

''Yay!! Property damage!!'' Fira bounced up quicker than a bullet and was prancing around the room as me and Aleise watched in quiet amusement.

''Who's property are we damaging and why?" Aleise asked warily, as if in the years of our friendship we would ever steer her wrong... it was a valid concern.

I sat back on my hands with my legs crossed in front of me, staring up at the ceiling. Thick black veins stretched all across the once white ceiling, and odd sight but one I was used to now. Fira must've already had a hunch of what would make me ridiculously happy.

''Some stupid werewolves that are annoying me,'' I finally said.

''Well it'll have to wait for tonight,'' Aleise reminds us. ''But we can hang out here until it's dark. Fira, your marshmallows moved to the cupard by the stairs.''

''Why does your house keep moving my marhsmallows?" my friend pouted. ''It never does that to Bee's liquor!''

Aleise just shrugged, ''The house has it's own mind too.''

I smirked at Fira, ''That means it likes me more.''

She stuck her tongue out at me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 09 ⏰

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