Chapter 8

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Reniyah Andrea Moore

(Ruh-niy-yuh) - Niyah - Linah

Chapter 8: The Truth

I sat on Jahserih bed, watching him play 2k while eating my food. He had finished his food earlier and after the car ride home, we were silent.

A part of me was itching to ask him the question again, but I refrained from it. Instead, I sat quietly and observed the way he sat in his chair, staring at the TV.

His hair weighed down on his face, causing him to move it every few moments.

I watched as Jahserih got up from his chair, stretching.

"Wassup lil mama," he climbed onto the bed, laying down in between my legs.

"Nothing," I spoke softly, placing my trash on the dresser. "Jah, I don't understand you."

"What you mean?" he asked, sitting the PS4 controller down. "What you wanna understand?"

"I mean, you just suddenly came into my life with no explanation and now I'm here, sitting on your bed, with you in between my legs. None of this makes sense to me," I huffed. "I don't even know who you are."

"Linah, you really don't remember me?" he asked concern.

"No," I folded my arms.

He sighed and got up from my legs, sitting beside me.

"Seraph," he said.

"Seraph?" I questioned.

He nodded his head and for a few seconds, I said nothing.


Flashback begins:

My mind flashed to a childhood memory of a brownskin boy with a short afro sitting beside a light skin little girl with a huge ponytail in my grandma's car.

"I'm Linah," I cheesed. "What's your name?"

"Seraph," he whispered. "And this is my little sister, Jariah."

"Nice to meet you!" I shook his hand and smiled at his little sister. "Why are you crying?"

"Mind your business, Reniyah," my grandma interrupted.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"Y'all hunnies hungry?" she asked, and we all chimed in "yes".

"I'll make y'all some food, we almost at the house."

"Okay!" we said simultaneously.

"Do you wanna play outside while my mama cooks?" I asked excitedly.

"Sure," he shrugged his shoulders. "Yo mama look old."

"She's not my real ma, she's my grandma," I rolled my eyes.

"What we gonna play?"

"Freeze tag, my friend Dre and Kayla are gonna join. My cousin Aaliyah is too."

"Okay," he said. "Can my sister join too?"

"Yeah!" I smiled.

I saw that we were at gma's house, so I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out the car. Seraph and Jariah followed behind me, seeing Dre, Kayla, and Aaliyah running around.

We all joined them and played for hours and played some more after eating the good food my grandma cooked.

Eventually, Dre and Kayla went home and Jariah and Aaliyah fell asleep, leaving me and Seraph awake.

"How come your mom hasn't came to get you?" I asked confused.

I watched as Seraph head went down and tears fell from his face. "She's not here anymore, she's gone."

"Oh," I replied. I didn't know what to say so instead of talking, I went over to his pallet on the floor and gave him a big hug. "I'll always be here for you."

"Promise?" Seraph sniffed.

"Promise," I smiled. "Let's go to sleep before grandma sees that we're still up."

"Okay," he sighed. "Can we play again tomorrow?"

"Of course," I cheesed. "Night, Seraph."

"Night Linah."

Flashback ends:

Confusion, anger, and happiness overwhelmed my thought process and I felt myself getting weary.

"Where were you?" I shook my head. "You left without saying goodbye, as if I was nothing to you at all. We were best friends, Jah, and friends don't do that to each other."

"You don't understand," Jah began, but I interrupted him.

"I don't understand? What is there to understand? You left and didn't even tell me goodbye, Jah. If you would've stayed, we could've found some place for you and your sister."

"That wasn't a option," Jah looked down. "I had to leave, to protect you, to protect my little sis. If I would've stayed, we probably would have never met again."

"This again? Protect me from what, Seraph?"

"You already know what."

Overheated, I grab my phone and exit out of Seraph's room, making my way to the guest bedroom.

It seems as if my life get more complicated by the hour and I'm not sure how much of secrecy and lies I can deal with before I break, again.

My life was suppose to be different then this, but now it just feels like a mess.

A mess I just can't seem to fix.


Authors note: I know it's been a while since I've updated this book, sorry guys, but another chapter will be coming nout later today.
Soooooo Niyah (Linah) finally knows who Jahserih (Seraph) is😙😗

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