34. Drunk Aryan

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She came to her room and hurriedly took the tablet. She was feeling as if her mind would burst with this headache.

After taking the tablet, she went to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face. Her tears were continuously rolling down her cheeks. Her heart was aching.

She was accused for what she had not done. She and her brother were accused for not a small thing but for a murder.

Why is he not ready to listen to her?

Why can't he see the truth in her eyes?

Why does he think so low about her?

Does he get to know only this much about her in these five months?

As she looked at herself in the mirror, more tears started falling from her eyes.

Her cheek was red with his figermarks on it.

She looked at her arms, they were also the same, red with his finger marks.

Why always I have to suffer?

Why always me?

She rushed out of the bathroom and dialled Neil's number so that she could clear things, so that she can ask Neil about Amaira. She wanted to share everything with him. She wanted to clear everything from her mind.

That stress was making her feel as if her head were set on fire.

"The number you have dialled is currently switched off," her heart was dissapointed hearing it.

She looked at the time, it was 12:05 am.

Maybe he left for Canada.

"Why are you involving them in your misery, Niya?" Her mind raised this question. "Why are you so selfish? Don't you know if you tell them this, they will be worried? They have done so much for you and for your happiness, and now, like a selfish person, you want to drag them into your sadness?"

She felt confused.

She has always kept her sadness with her, then why now?

She dragged herself towards the bed and laid on it.

Only Aryan's accusations were ringing in her ears, which were raising many questions in her mind.


Aryan laid on his bed, but sleep was far from him.

His mind was not ready to think anything properly.

He was feeling more lonely. The memories of his only sister, Amy, became fresh, and his heart was crying as he thought of her.

If Niya and Neil didn't commit that sin, then today this couldn't have happened.

They would both be happy in their own world. Maybe they would not even know each other.

"If one day you find out that I and my brother are innocent, will you be able to forgive yourself?" Niya's words started ringing in his ears.

Will he?

Will he be able to forgive himself?

But they are responsible for Amaira's death, then....

But what if Niya's words come true?

Fear clutched his heart.

After turning and tossing, he jerked up from the bed. He was feeling suffocated in the room.

He himself didn't know what he was feeling.

He opened the door of the balcony and stood there clutching the grills tightly.

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