《・Home Sweet Home・》

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After finally grabbing the rest of the kittens you walked home with them inside the box you found, you put the umbrella inside of the box so the kittens wouldn't get wet. But for you, you were the now soaking wet one since the back of you body was wet from the rain hitting your back. But it didn't mind you, as long as you got these kittens to shelter you'd be able to sleep tonight peacefully knowing that you helped them. You started to see your house in the distance, seeing how you left the cozy lights on inside.

You got the sense of warmness uprising in your body, imagining the warm house and nice fake fireplace that generates real heat. And cuddling up with some soft cozy blankets as well with it, how mesmerizingly perfect for you. As soon as you got to the doors steps you put down the box of kittens to grab your keys for the front door, when you got the right key you unlocked the door and grabbed the box of kittens and gently kicked the door enough to open it without your hands.

          "Home sweet home, and now I'll be having to share it with you guys too!"

You said with an modern toned voice, you then stretched a little and one by one you grabbed each kitten out of the box soon after. (Even though they probably had the full capability to jump out themselves) After all the kittens were out they decided to explore the inside of your house, especially getting quiet curious about the TV inside the living room. You saw, and laughed about it for a bit. They were all staring at the TV like it was some alien device, so you decided to turn it on to see their reactions.

A few of them jumped needless to say, fluffing their tails out, growling, some even hiding behind furniture. Even under furniture too, but what stood out to you the most were the red kitten with a missing limb, and the blonde kitten that had a scar on their right eye. They weren't afraid, they weren't threatened, they were actually just confused. You smiled at this, but then remembered something quite important to know about your new feline friends.

Their genders.

'That's right! I almost forget to check their genders, well I already know the gender of the one that looks like it has swirly eyebrows. But I never looked at any of the others, oh yeah and I also need to give them names too! Well I'll do their names after I check what they are I guess,'

You then walked over to the blonde and red kittens, you sat down and grabbed them and then put them in your lap.

"Alright, so what're your genders?"

You said innocently, but it seems like the yellow and red cats had other plans as soon as you said that. It was almost if, they could understand you. The kittens looked strange, as if that they were, embarrassed? No, that must be your imagination.

Cats can't be embarrassed like this, do they even know what it means to be embarrassed? I mean, they're cats. Most of the time all they know is sass, so it has to be your imagination. Anyways, you went to grab the two cats before they jumped out of your lap.

They squirmed and meowed loudly, but never tried to bite, nor scratch you though. Which was weird, but at least they knew better. You soon check their, you know what area, and saw that they were both males.

          "Alright, so 3 males. Hopefully not all of you are male, because that would be a huge pain in the butt for my paycheck to get you all neutered."

Right after you said neutered the two cats that were just loudly meowing from before, now sounded like they were screaming. Most of the other cats that were watching you all looked like their soul left their body after you said neutered as well, you sorta got freaked out for a second when the two cats that were in your hands started screaming. You just looked at them surprised and with a sweat droplet appearing on your head, you then spoke up to calm them down.

          "H-Hey, calm down! Jeez.. You're both so loud, besides. I'm probably going to get you neutered next year since I'm keeping you as indoor cats,"

"Wait why should I even be reassuring you? You don't even understand me since your kittens, god. I bet I look insane,-"

You said while whispering the last part, you sighed and let them go. The two cats both ran under the kitchen table and stared at you in fear, but you ignored it and went to look for the other cats to find out their genders as well. And when I tell you that they were hiding good, they were hiding good. You probably couldn't find them for at least 30 minutes, hell you were lucky to even find them at all considering how small they were and how easily they could fit in small places.

          "Aha! Finally! The last one, damn. Just holy shit, you guys are real little shits for hiding like that."

You said while trying to catch your breath, you put the ones that you haven't found the gender of yet in a box that you were sure they wouldn't be able to jump out of. It was good that you found them all, but the downside about it was how many scratches were now on your arms since their claws went through the fabric of your clothes sleeves. You were able to hear the desperate meows from inside the box, but you ignored it because you were pissed off that they even scratched you in the first place. So now you'll have to bandage yourself up with whatever bandages you had left, hopefully you'd have enough for all the scratches you had now.

You then turned your head back at the kittens that were meowing inside the box, forming a headache because of it.

"God you're all annoying,"

You said whispering while a sweat droplet forming on your head, with a gin saying,

'I give up'

'Anyways, I should get myself bandaged up now. And after that, I need to find some gloves so these little craps won't claw me again..- So, first stop the kitchen to find some bandages then.'

You said to yourself while getting up from the crisscrossed sitting position you were in on your bed, you then walked out of your room and went towards the kitchen.

End Of Chapter 2

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