her eyes as sharp as serpent's gaze

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The screen shows a meeting hall, on the head seat sits Alkaid Black with her chin resting on her joined fingers, her demeanor a no-nonsense one.

Perseus Black hovers behind her like a guard, his expression meant to intimidate.

"Why can't you be like that?" Adrienne complained to her brother.

"Ask me that when you become Lord Greengrass." Cyrus replied.

"But you are the heir!" Adrienne said confused.


Barty Jr. snorted.

The camera screen turns to the other unknown people sitting in the hall, a lady who is twirling her knife stops and leans forward, her Asian features looking stunning as the lighting focuses on her. Her expression is positively wicked.

Sirius whistles, "Maybe I should join the meetings next time too."

Alphard leans forward in interest, recognizing his ex-paramour, they had parted on relatively good terms. Well, she gave him a black eye and burned down his cottage, but still! There was no malice on either side.

UNKNOWN WOMAN: Blackheart, Is the pirate uncle of yours coming back too?

Alkaid hums.

Alphard smiles thinking she misses him.

UNKNOWN WOMAN (claps her hand in joy): How Marvellous! I can finally burn that atrocious hat of his.

Alphard pales clutching his pirate hat that appears out of nowhere in his hands desperately while Narcissa beams, happy that she is not the only one who cannot stand her Uncle's taste in fashion.

ALKAID(sharply): Now is not the time for petty revenge, Corvina.

CORVINA(pouts): Blackheart please---

"Could you be even more uncreative? BlackHeart seriously?" A student from Ravenclaw asked with exasperation.

Sirius side-eyes him. It was a perfectly creative code name! He gave it after all.

ALKAID(interrupts): No, we have more important business to discuss.

She gestures to Perseus who nods and waves his wand, distributing the files to the occupants in the room.

ALKAID: Read it.

A bespectacled man in the seat next to Marcella frowns, his expression displeased.

UNKNOWN MAN: Blackheart, this is impossible! Even Ms. Devereux will lose this case. Dumbledore has too much power---

Sirius deflates at the news. Bellatrix looks resigned.

"Marcella Devereux? The infamous solicitor known for tearing into her opposition, sometimes literally?" A Slytherin asked shuddering.

"Wait! That is Caelum Verlac!" A Hufflepuff cried out in surprise.

"So what?"

"He is a prodigy!"

Barty turns towards his crush with excitement evident in his eyes, "Your siblings know Solicitor Devereux and Verlac and you didn't tell me!"

"Well, you didn't know I had siblings except Sirius until today."

Corvina smirks and trails the knife in her hand down his cheeks, just far enough to prevent injury.

CORVINA: Ah Ah Ah, Mr. Verlac careful with your words you wouldn't want to offend the wrong person would you?

"Why is she so hot while threatening injury?" Marlene asks rhetorically.

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