Chapter 1

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Aurora was in the living room looking for something in the Netflix catalog when she saw her father, doctor Max getting ready to leave.

- Sweetie, did you hear the news?

- No dad, what news, why, what happened?

- Do you remember Nicodemus, that friend of mine who coordinated the hospital where I worked for many years, remember when he came to dinner and here at home and brought his fiancée ....

- Yes I remember, not long ago. I was always a little afraid of him, but...

- So, he got sick, crashed the car and is in the hospital under observation, and they ended up calling me for today's duty. Can you explain later to your mother when she arrives?- Max hugs Aurora and kisses her forehead.

-Of course, take care daddy!

Researching the news, Aurora already suspected that he wasn't really sick, after everything that happened to him, the disappearance of his fiancée, the sudden death of his stepson, certainly have something more. As she scrolls the page a little further she reads the name of the Scarlett Bar, the best frequented bar in Nowhere, some of her friends had already commented about it, being one of the safest places for women in the city, which raised even more suspicions. Was he getting out of there?

Her father was heading towards the door when Aurora calls him: - DAD! Have you been to the Scarlett Bar yet?

His father appears in second, astonished: - N-no sweetie and if your uncle even imagined that one day I was in that place he would kill me.

- Why? I don't think it's a dangerous place.

-It's not the place, but the people there.

- But...

-Not now sweetie, I'll explain later, let me go I'm already late, Bye! - (sound of door closing).

Of course, curiosity killed the cat and Aurora went to research more about the bar. "SCARLETT BAR drinks and spirits, open since 1985"

- It looks like a sophisticated place, I don't know what uncle and dad have against this place, I think it wouldn't be a problem if I went there a little, right? Forget it, today they probably closed because of the accident.

Aurora, now more curious than ever, went back to looking for something to watch because she knew that the sleepless night was going to be long.

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