Chapter 9

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I woke up finding myself next to Sebastian who must have carried me to bed. I slipped out from his grasp and headed downstairs. Almost as soon as I was down the stairs I heard a knock at the door. I peeped out. It was the same delivery guy from yesterday still in his dorky uniform.

“Yes can I help you?” I asked still a little sleepy.

“Delivery to a Miss Bulla,” he said reading the card. My eyes lit up when I saw the big bouquet of flowers he held. He handed it over to me with a smile of satisfaction.

“Oh wow, they’re beautiful,” I gasped and thanked him before closing the door to set them on the table and read the note. ‘To Miss Bulla, please be mine. From Anonymous.’ I smiled. Sebastian must have really been sorry.  I jumped when another knock sounded. It was the same delivery guy again.

“You seem really popular today. I have another eight addressed to you.” I stared to see if he was joking. But I noticed a strange cart thingy filled with vibrant colours of various aquatic plants.

“Are you sure it’s for this address?” I asked.

“Miss Aubrey Bulla?” he asked, I nodded a reply. Within the next half hour, my nine bouquets merged to twenty two and a dozen boxes of assorted sweets and a random cheesy teddy all came for me. Sebastian stumbled into the room still half asleep and jumped when he saw all the sea flowers.

“What have you been ordering?” he asked surprised. I hid in amongst the flowers not daring to look up at him.

“I have no idea where or why these keep coming,” I looked back at all of them slowly filling the room. Another knock made Sebastian jump. I sighed and opened the door. It was a different mail man but from the same delivery servie, judging by his uniform. “For Aubrey Bulla?” I asked before he could. He nodded and I took another three bouquets and a box of chocolate.

“What are you going to do with them all?” he asked. I shrugged my shoulders and opened a box and took a bite of chocolate. I didn’t realise how much I had missed the taste. I closed my eyes and hummed as it melted on my mouth. There was a disguisable difference between the chocolate and I what I was used to, but the sugary sweet was chocolaty all the same.

“I might be able to off load some onto the neighbours,” I thought aloud. What person didn’t like getting flowers randomly. Plus I thought it was time I met them. “Otherwise do what you want, just leave maybe one or two,” I weaved through to the kitchen and started cooking some pancakes. I swam up to the air pocket and started heating up the frying pan. Hmm these chocolates were good. I took another one and popped it in my mouth as i poured to batter into the pan.  I flipped the pancakes twice and then onto the plate. I froze when i felt a pair of hands hold slip onto my waist. Sebastian came up behind me and slid his arms all the way around my waist and rested his head on the back of my shoulder. I felt my heart race from his arms rubbing against my bear stomach. Poor clothing choice on my part.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he whispered kissing me on the cheek. I watched as my pancake started to sizzle and burn, unable to move. “Do you forgive me?” he asked is a sexy whisper. I just nodded unable to give an audible answer. His hand slid down my arm making it tingle all over. He held my wrist and moved the spatula and flipped my pancake out into the water. I watched the burnt crisp float on the surface of the water, only to get devoured in seconds by a school of silvery pink fish. What a waste. He slid his hand slowly back up my arm and down to my waist, the tingling was still going. “What do you today?” he asked kissing my neck.

“To eat,” I said bluntly, wishing my stubborn arm would hurry up  and get some feeling back and stop this weird tingling sensation. We stayed this way for a couple of minutes, my lip was beginning to hurt, when I finally let out a little gasp as he kissed the other side of my neck. What was with him today?

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