The bun in the oven

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Alex woke up moaning as he felt the baby kick and move, the creature gave Alex some food and held him close as their baby grew within him. Alex nuzzled up to the creature not remembering what happened about how he got there.

Alex made noises as he slept, he muttered and groaned softly as he slept peacefully in the creatures arms. Alex then felt the baby kick hard causing him to yell out in pain, the creature held his hand on his belly and rubbed it for a few minutes as Alex clung to him.

(Daily back rubs)

Alex moaned softly as the creature rubbed his back making sure to keep the carrier of his child was comfortable and loved. As days went by Alex's belly only grew bigger, it has only been two weeks and Alex already looked half way through the pregnancy. He held his belly one night and felt the movements and got confused, he then got up and the creature laid him back down.

Alex tried getting up again but the creature kept him laying on the makeshift bed of leaves and grass, Alex eventually gave up and stayed awake laying on the bed. The baby moved and kicked hard causing Alex to groan in pain as the baby kept moving rapidly inside of him, and he began to cry as the creature tried his best to comfort Alex.

After a few hours of crying and yelling of pain Alex eventually fell asleep, Alex finally understood that he was now pregnant and needed to carry the baby to term if he wanted to get out of the woods.

(A few days before due date)

Alex woke up and stretched his body before he looked down at his belly and held it, he found that he wanted to carry the baby within him for longer. The creature saw Alex's gentle touch on his belly and the creature decided that he would keep Alex in the woods and make him have more babies.

Alex was walking in the woods until he stepped into a bear trap clamping down on his leg as he screamed in pain, the creature couldn't hear Alex but he could sense he was in danger. Alex cried out and tried to break out of the trap, then he heard the creature rushing to help him.

The creature instantly broke the bear trap and carried Alex out of the area, the creature saw his leg bleeding a lot and began to rush home. Alex had passed out from the blood loss and was close to dying, the creature rushed Alex inside the small cave and laid him down as he began to tend to his wound.

The creature had healed Alex's wound and began to watch him as he slept, the creature then lied down with Alex and began to stroke Alex's belly as the baby moved and kicked gently. The creature fell asleep while holding Alex and keeping him warm with his body.

(To be continued)

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