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It had been more than a week since Theodore Nott discovered that Rosalie Hearst was the girl from his past, his childhood crush and the girl he was currently in love with.

   He had been craving to reveal her the whole truth but he never got the chance as she never stepped outside her dorm. Upon asking several gryffindor who sneered at him mostly, he got to know Rosalie was sick. She had a high fever and was forced to bed rest. She didnt go to the infirmary as she wanted to stay in her dorm and read all day, if possible there.

    Hermione too had been a bit surprising in the recent days as she frequently skipped classes for her best friend to look after her, which again left no chance for Theo to even convey his message to Rosalie through Hermione. The only choice he had left was to wait.

     If only he could express how much drowned in guilt and remorse he was for what he had done. He hurt the one person he could never imagine to. Ofcourse he knew what he was doing but now at this stage he felt the extremely awful considering the fact that Rosalie must think of him as a playboy, which he was probably an year ago and gradually grew distant from all of it out of boredom.

    And now when he had actually felt attracted to a girl which felt like ages after, only to discover she was his childhood crush whom he had now hurt very badly which might grant him no forgiveness from her side but still he was going to try.

    Ever since the age of seven when he had first met Rosalie, he knew he would do anything to find her again and remain with her. His fondness of her never ended. Even when he hadnt waited for her now almost everyday while growing up, her place in his heart remained the same.

     It would be better to say he moved on from that blissful in incident from his childhood but she still remained as special to him. Confusing, it might be but that was his condition.

    And now when he had found her after all those years, he was not letting her go, not again.

   But even if, Rosalie hadnt been the girl from his childhood, he would still have apologised to her truly for what he did. Hundred galleons meant nothing to him when he accepted the bet, all he wanted was to have some fun which turned out to be one of the best days of his life for some reasons and he knew he would definitely be truthful to her despite her response.

    He wouldnt mind if Rosalie decided she wont see his face ever again, he knew he kind of deserved that, all he wanted was to tell her everything he felt no matter how much shame it might bring him down on account of his acts. Seemingly, her feelings mattered more to him now.

    That heavy feeling within him was making his heart sink. It had been an excruciatingly long wait without having seen her. Every wise cell remaining in his head forced him to let it go, the year was to end soon and he might not get the chance to actually apologizes to her and never see her again but a tiny yet violent part of him beheld on to facing her for one last time if it were possible.

    Sighing, he let his feet drag him to the quidditch pitch with only her occupying his mind. He could now recall every single moment passed between them to which he never paid no heed but now it all felt so special.

    How she would squint her eyes at him when aiming, how in third year when she shyly asked him if he had an extra quill and he mocked her for it, how she constantly kept sneezing when Hagrid once led all the students to a nice flowery garden, oh, now he knew she was allergic to flowers. He smiled on remembering every small glimpse of her over the years which for some reasons was well savoured in his memory and he never noticed.

    His attention was grabbed by the clouds which thundered, he exhaled heavily knowing it'd rain soon and yet again his mind traveled to the last rain he experienced which was with her. They almost kissed. He shook his head at his own disappointment of that day. Only if the clouds could have waited for a few seconds...

𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒 ⚯͛ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now