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༺ 𝙰𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚊: 𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕... ༻
𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚊

"You can't do that." friends - they're quite something, aren't they? On one hand, you trust them with some of the deepest and darkest secrets of your life, expect them to keep those thoughts and feelings to themselves and never exploit them to another living breathing soul, no matter what reasoning is behind the maliciously intended action...but on the other hand, they use the solidifying trust and confinement you have in them back onto you, to learn more about those certain secrets, despite your feelings on the matter. "You can't tell me two of Chicago's finest women offered you a place in their bed, and not tell me who they are..."

Meet Jasmin - the friend that covers all criteria for being the undoubtable most greatest best friend a girl could ever ask for, especially the part about secret-keeping. From telling her i'm bisexual in a shocking revelation, to week-long petty crushes never mounting to anything, every detail about my life is stored in her mind and memory, locked away in a safe place which is securely guarded shut by tightly controlled padlocks, the strongest human alive unable to break the chains. After sharing one of the most vulnerable possessions my mind has held for so long, it certainly became undoubtable to me that she'd have many questions, however whether or not I'd answer them was based on the utter dependability...

"Well I believe I just did, Jasmin." she religiously tosses her pupils to the sky, creating a small semicircle before allowing them to level with my own much darker-shaded ones, the action showing a clearly hefty amount of annoyance along with it. "Don't play smart with me, Echo. We both know you'll let slip eventually..." I slump depressingly in my seat, knowing that in some perspective, she's absolutely correct. It's times like these I resent having a close friend who's a dom, as she has the powerful ability to take full control of my anatomy, for however long she sees fit, and to do whatever she pleases with that sacred power. But I won't tell a lie - having someone close to me, caring for me, telling me they're the one with the responsibility and power soothes my heart and soul in a loving way...which is the exact reason why I was led to believe I shared love with Elijah...

Things were good, in the beginning. He was the best boyfriend anyone could even hope to have, let alone gain as a permanent part of day-to-day life...an appearance of unexpected flowers 'just because', endless hours of close contact I'd frequently crave from him, not to mention the occasional moments where everything just seemed stimulating, in every way...nearly every part of my damaged soul wishes it stayed like that...nearly every part...

If he were to have not exposed his true self to me, his actual ways of normally behaving, the way he portrays himself as a member of society? I'd be living in the damned dark, like a goddamn fool, unable to wake up and smell the roses and face the true colours of the man I fell in love with, to only find he's nothing like I thought...

Noticing the deep, depressing fall of my chocolate-skinned face, slipping into a state of depress, my eager-eyed friend retracts her former aura, turning her emotions from slightly probing, to a caring demeanour she believes I require. "Hey, you know I'm only joking...did I cross the line?" swallowing a mouthful of air, holding it within the walls of my rib cage before emptying it to form a hollow and bottomless pit inside me, I turn to my guilt-ridden confidante, a weak smile wearily drawn across my lips. "No, no need to worry. I'm okay, Jas...I'm fine..."

Somehow within my human, whether it be part of my mind or conscience, I deeply personally believe that the more I secretly tell myself the lie of that my current state of mind and being is 'fine', the more I hope to find myself knowing that the covered up reality will cloak itself, becoming blind and concealed from my wildly searching eyes.

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