"I trust you."

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Shigaraki POV:

I woke up and I felt warmer than normal, and it smelt like- ash? I rubbed my eyes before opening them. Why is it so warm- Dabi?

I could feel my face heating up, he was still fast asleep but his arms were draped over me. Please say no one walked in. I shook his shoulder gently, "Dabi." I said quietly, the walls are thin and I don't want anyone knowing he's in here.

"Hmm?" He just hummed in acknowledgment. "Open your eyes, patchwork." I said as I elbowed him in the rib. He groaned and opened his eyes, "What was that for?" His voice was hoarse, I had never heard it like that before. "Get up." I attempted to get up but he tightened his grip around me. "Dabi."


"We have to get up."

"Five more minutes?"

"Get up, crispy."

"Make me, crusty."

"Dabi." I shoved his shoulder in attempt to get him up.

"Fine..." He grumbled and reluctantly got up. I got out of bed I looked at my hands, where are my gloves? I could've disintegrated him... Im guessing he noticed me staring at me hands because he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Im not scared of you."

"You could be dust right now."

"But I'm not."

"But you could've been."

"Am I?"


"Then it doesn't matter."

"But-" I was cut off by him grabbing my hands, my breath hitched, I made sure two fingers were raised. "I trust you." He whispered in my ear before walking out.

He trusts me?

I was standing there in shock for almost five minutes before I walked out of my room. I walked to the bar and sat down, I tried to ignore it but his words kept running through my head, 'I trust you.'

Kurogiri turned to me, "Your up early." The fog man said. Early? "I fell asleep earlier than normal..." I shrugged. "That's good." The bartender said, I turned my head and saw Dabi walking in.

"Hey." He sat next to me. Kurogiri turned his attention to the burnt man. "Hey." I shrugged, I didn't think it was a big deal but Kurogiri was dumbfounded.

"You look like shit."

"Shut it, patchwork."

"Make me, chapstick."

We both looked at each other, but unlike other times we insulted each other, we both had shit eating grins. As we both stared into each other eyes, we both broke out laughing. It just confused Kurogiri even more.

"You two...aren't fighting?..." Kurogiri said, he sounded confused, and- relieved?

We both turned to the purple cloud of fog. I just shrugged and kurogiri gave a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god..."

"We don't fight that much-" bullshit.

"Bullshit." Dabi said as if he could read my thoughts.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Kurogiri sighed, he seemed to think we were fighting again, but we're we? I didn't think so.


Dabi had left an hour ago, he said he needed to get something and I was bored out of my mind. I was sitting on the couch with Twice when Dabi walked through the front door holding a shopping bag.

He threw it at me. I winced then flipped him off. "For you." He said as he walked out. What? I opened it and it was a hoodie. I black one with baby blue sleeves and a baby blue hood. Kurogiri watched from the bar, completely speechless.

"That burnt piece of shit..." I mumbled as I put the hoodie on. It fit perfectly. Twice turned to me confused, I swear I had never noticed how much everyone thinks I hate Dabi until today.

I got up and walked after Dabi, I knocked on his door before opening it. He turned to me and smirked when he saw me wearing the hoodie, "You like it?"

"Well- yes- but you shouldn't have gotten me anything."

"You have no winter clothes and it's cold as fuck."

"That's what your for."

Dabi chuckled and stood up from his bed and walked over to me, he closed the bedroom door behind me and wrapped his arms around me, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

I froze at first before hugging him back. Warm... "Your a human radiator."

"You love it."

"Hate it."

"I doubt it."

"Fuck you, patchwork."

Fuck you // ShigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now