long live lola

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Violet has finally been handed her big break, the chance to prove herself as a journalist for her college's paper, the Smallshore Spectator. All she has to do is write a nice, fluffy piece about Lola Hargood, the seemingly perfect student who killed herself in June.

But Violet was there when Lola died. Violet heard Lola's last words, and so Violet has to carry out Lola's last wishes; find out the truth about her death.

Entering the rich, elite world of Lola's Smallshore friends will not be easy, especially with her brother's closest high school friend keeping an over protective eye on her to keep her safe from the privileged's violence. Violet is more determined than ever to prove herself as a writer and to discover the truth about Lola Hargood in order to prevent her legacy from being tarnished.

For fans of Rutherford Court, meet Smallshore College. The new money, West coast students running amok, drinking, fucking, dying. Coming to Radish this summer.

any questions? much love, sophie xoxo

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any questions?
much love, sophie xoxo

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